Dear Freshwomen (or, as they are known at Francesca’s all-women alma mater, “first-year students”),
Soon you will be leaving for college. Packing for your new dormroom, wondering whether your roommate will be friendly or catatonic . . . it is all very exciting! You of course would like to bring shoes that can carry you through the September weeks of orientation and classes, shoes which are comfortable enough to walk around campus, shoes that can be easily slipped off when you go to the quad lawn to study, shoes which will look stylish with your jeans during the day and sophisticated enough for dates with the college guys at night.
Behold the Tahlia by Brighton!
Happy shopping – for shoes and for classes!
Xoxo, Francesca
Francesca, please tell me you’re a Smithie.
Comment by Meg — August 27, 2007 @ 1:13 pm
Francesca understands Meg’s curiosity, and will say only that Francesca is an alumna of one of the Seven Sisters colleges.
Comment by Francesca — August 27, 2007 @ 1:34 pm
Francesca … are you my sister-in-law!? The name, the 7 sisters, the superfantasticness … do you live in the vicinity of Boston? Is your last initial “D”?
If not, please forgive my nosiness!
But if it is *you,* we’re going to have a pretty good laugh! ;-)
Comment by Nabushi — August 27, 2007 @ 2:47 pm
I appreciate the effort the Francesca has gone to with the recommendation of the first year shoe, but I fear it has been a few too many years since your first year, or that you went to a much more sophisticated school then the large State school that I attended. Shoe advice for the freshwomen at my school consisted of “stop wearing $3 flip flops from Old Navy and buy yourself a pair of Reefs”. And while the being cool is not as important in college as it was in high school, fitting in still requires some buckling to social pressures, such as the wearing of shower shoes to class.
Additionally, there are few freshwomen who would think that spending over $100 for shoes is going to be worth it. Perhaps the Francesca and the Manolo could team up to present some “Style is Worth Your While” lectures to explain to us the importance of not buying the cheap shoes.
Comment by The Unfashionista — August 27, 2007 @ 3:32 pm
Havaianas-best flip flops in the world. Really, I can’t see students who Febreze their clothing in lieu of laundering wearing heels to class. No way could someone tackle the hills at Penn State in those. Sorry, come join us in the real world.
Comment by Wry Exchange — August 28, 2007 @ 12:29 am
As a perpetual student myself (about to see the end of my Masters by this time next year, and working at the college bookstore to make ends meet) I feel like I have made enough mistakes as a young’un in the footwear arena. There are no words to describe the years I have spent trying to get away with platform flip-flops… or platform anything, for that matter.
Since I do live in a tropical climate myself, I have noticed that the young girls are still wearing the flip flops, which is fine when the weather is sunny, the campus is hilly, and you have a few hours to kill at the beach. I have yet to see anyone in heels out here, unless they are full time employees of the school and/or are giving a “professional” presentation designed to make them more employable. At the very least, there’s always sneakers to keep feet covered… but better the sneaks and flip-flops than the Crocs!
Comment by meimei — August 28, 2007 @ 1:48 am
I completely respect Francesca’s privacy, but like Meg, in my heart of hearts I harbor a fervent hope that Francesca is a Smithie. :) I salute Francesca’s superfantasticness and hope all of this year’s first-years heed her sage advice!
Comment by SaraB — August 28, 2007 @ 2:21 pm
So there are other women’s colleges that call the frosh class “first years”… I didn’t realize that. I went to Sweet Briar and we did that too.
Comment by Zenevieva — August 28, 2007 @ 10:05 pm
Um, no way. I mean no offense, but those are “old lady/soccer mom” shoes. I am fresh out of college myself, and I can’t imagine anyone my age wearing those.
Comment by caitlin — September 6, 2007 @ 4:42 pm