Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

October 5, 2007

You Asked For It: The “Perfect” Coat

Filed under: Uncategorized — Miss Plumcake @ 3:01 pm

Francesca and I are –of course– women of limitless leisure and independent means and as such spend a good deal of our free time browsing online stores in search of gorgeous things to drop in your lap like a cat with a severed squirrel head. As such internet friends often ask us to keep our perfectly lash-extensioned eyes open for specific items on which they have set their still-beating acquisitive hearts.

Internet Friend Crewbie writes:

For the past three months, I have been looking for the perfect fall jacket. A sort of mid-length peacoat, size 12/14, but with ONE set of buttons (two makes me look very broad–curse you shoulders!) in a nice sophisticated plaid or herringbone in a color that is not DEAD. This has been surprisingly difficult.

I have to mention of course, that peacoats by definition are double breasted, and that what lovely Miss Crewbie is searching for is in fact a walking coat. The search was on, and later that evening I came across this:

The GUESS? Donegal tweed walking coat.

The response:

Plumcake, thank you so much for[…]finding me this coat! It is simply perfect! I don’t know how I missed that–I feel as though I looked absolutely everywhere, but you clearly posess a brilliant gift :D I think the coat is exactly what I’ve been looking for, and you’ve made my week. Thank you for the help and your superfantastic site!

If YOU have a certain sumpin’ sumpin’ you simply cannot find, why not email us? We’ll do our best to search for you and if we make a love match, you might be featured on You Asked For It!


  1. (covets coat) That’s gorgeous, Plumcake. I particularly love that collar.

    Also, that shade of grey is one that makes me sparkle.

    Comment by Twistie — October 5, 2007 @ 6:31 pm

  2. It is a lovely coat, and not a peacoat…but what about a real peacoat for the not-twiggy-girl? I’ve been searching forever for a nice, black mid-length-to-a-little-longer peacoat. Just something simple and formal enough I could wear it to the job, especially as I’m going for a job in the Washington DC winter next year.

    Comment by Catter — October 5, 2007 @ 10:34 pm

  3. While we await judgment from the glorious Francesca and Plumcake, I would present the lovely Catter with a “Meanwhile” substitution: get to a really good Army & Navy Store (where you won’t be knocked dead by the smell of mildew when you enter), and look for a for real, actual, honest-to-G-d peacoat. Since they are sized, generally, for servicemen, you should find that they are both long enough to cover what you’d like covered, and roomy enough to fit what you need to fit under it. For such trifles as Very Long Sleeves, your local tailor should be able to take care of that.

    Comment by La BellaDonna — October 8, 2007 @ 3:18 pm

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