Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 1, 2008

Francesca’s New Year Resolutions

Filed under: Be Super Fantastic,Superfantastic Fattitude — Francesca @ 7:54 am

Francesca agrees with the Twistie that life is too short to resolve to lose weight. To improve one’s health, that is one thing, but “better health” does not equal “losing weight”! It equals, perhaps — depending on your own lifestyle and medical profile– getting more exercise, or remembering to take your medications, or adding more fiber to the diet, or getting more sleep. Remember sleep? It has all to do about whether you are getting stronger physically and emotionally, and preventing illnesses, and nothing at all to do with what size you wear.

Also Francesca points out Manolo’s advice that the best resolution for the New Year is this: To make the world more superfantastic!

So here are Francesca’s New Year Resolutions, and she hopes you will notice that “lose weight” is not on the list. For 2008, Francesca resolves to . . .

  • spend less time at work and more time with friends
  • be more compassionate toward my boss (Francesca speaks here not of Manolo but of the Boss of the Day Job)
  • engage in more philanthropy, giving to causes which support positive systemic changes against poverty, or which support religion, education, or the arts.
  • get more walks, which are good exercise and will get Francesca more into the fresh air
  • eat more hearty soups with vegetables in them, and more fresh fruit, because vegetables and fruit are sorely lacking in Francesca’s diet (unless you count the grapes in her wine)
  • hydrate Francesca by drinking more water
  • hydrate Francesca’s plants by remembering to water them, instead of letting them die as she usually does


  1. A fine set of weight-loss-free resolutions!

    Have a great new year!

    Comment by Bridey — January 1, 2008 @ 10:33 pm

  2. Best of luck, Francesca! A few years ago I started drinking a big tumbler of water every morning, now it’s completely ingrained in me. If it mehs you out, have a lime or lemon handy and add a little juice – very good for your digestion (plus, squint and it’s almost like a G&T).

    Comment by Margo — January 3, 2008 @ 5:56 pm

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