Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 10, 2008

Pantorexia Sweeping British Isles! Is America Next?!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Miss Plumcake @ 10:59 am

Okay, I think by the time you finish reading this pant-peeingly funny article from across the pond, written by one Caitlin Moran (who had the nerve to steal my writerly voice, but was cunning enough to do it ten years before I started writing) you’ll agree that pantorexia is already the scourge of the states as well.

This cheered me immensely as frankly, I’m having a rough day having just run out of my stockpile of “Mr. Kipling’s Exceedingly Good Mince Tarts” which are sold only during Christmas and only at one store. I really cannot return to said store for at least a few more days unless I want to reveal to all and sundry –or at least the emo kid with the stupid bangs at the checkout stand– that I can vacuum, er exuse me “hoover” up an unseemly quantity of pastry in 72 hours, which I’m pretty sure would make him cry.

Speaking of English to British translations, “pants” in the U.K. translate to underwear here in the colonies.


  1. Bravo. I am in complete agreement on the panties/knickers/underwear/scanties argument from this article. Of course, I am also a fan of such pieces of antedeluvian female accoutrement as a zip-up girdle (with the little doo-hickies for hose) and brassieres that actually do their job in the cup-coverage department. I may be from the “let it all hang out” generation (ahem), but I’ve never found that philosophy to be very comforting when one of the straps from a “balconet” bra loses its grip on reality and I’m left clutching my arm over my front.
    Humpf. Bring on full coverage panties – preferably with lace. But not in “flesh” color.

    Comment by Toby Wollin — January 10, 2008 @ 1:41 pm

  2. OMG, you must warn us when there is a real danger of snorting coffee (or other tasty beverage) through our nose onto our computer when we read a link! Sorry for the graphic imagery. That is the funniest!

    I must concur and, as a married gal, I can say that my husband prefers lovely knickers that flatter me, not the underwear drawer! For everyday, I quite like Avenue’s comfy and cute lace top cotton briefs. They are comfy and natural fiber (a must in warm Cali) and the lace top is very flattering. They come in many lovely colors, as well.

    Comment by Eilish — January 10, 2008 @ 2:10 pm

  3. My sister says I’m crazy because I refuse to wear anything skimpier than “hipster” panties and only if I’m wearing low-cut jeans because I’ll “never get laid.”

    Let me tell you, the ladies I’m interested in (and who are interested in me) really don’t care about what’s under my clothes, just about getting under them themselves. I firmly support big panties; three cheers for coverage and comfort!

    Comment by Kitty — January 10, 2008 @ 2:22 pm

  4. I thought the article was hilarious, but I remain firmly in the pro-thong camp. Visible panty lines are the devil. They totally ruin an outfit, regardless of how awesome it may otherwise be. I will never give up my low-rise thongs. Never!

    Comment by Cat — January 10, 2008 @ 2:32 pm

  5. I’m with you, Cat. If the thong is breaking up your butt line, you’re wearing the wrong size. If it chafes, either ditch the lacy style or go up a size, or change who you buy from. I hate briefs. They’re too warm and take up too much space under my jeans.

    Comment by Lysana — January 10, 2008 @ 4:06 pm

  6. You can’t get away with not having any skin-toned underware unless you never wear white clothing. White bras and panties under white clothes, no matter your skin color, stand out like neon lights – very tacky in my opinion.

    Comment by Carol — January 10, 2008 @ 9:12 pm

  7. How appropriate I read this today ! There is a fab article in today’s Guardian, all about GOOD underwear. Expensive, yes, but sexy, pretty stuff that doesn’t rely on thin models wearing thongs to advertise them. If I’m not breaking any house rules, here’s the link :,,2238929,00.html And read the end of the last paragraph – no thongs here !

    Comment by Ponytail — January 11, 2008 @ 5:09 pm

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