Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 11, 2008

Francesca recommends books: Weekend Reading

Filed under: Books — Francesca @ 7:20 am

Francesca says: It is almost the weekend, and you want to kick back with a good book. Something which is interesting but not terribly taxing. Francesca has a suggestion for you!

It is no secret that Francesca deeply appreciates magazines. The best magazines, the ones with the quality writing and reporting, provide fresh information and perspectives, in small, very digestible amounts. You read a quality feature article, you learn something, you say “that was a satisfying read,” and then you move on. Imagine a book which offers all the good feature stories, with none of the front-of-the-book fluff. This book can be yours . . .

Every year, one should buy the latest copy of The Best American Magazine Writing.

This series of books compiles the winning stories of the annual awards of the American Society of Magazine Editors. Just lie in bed and read entertaining and informative article after article after article; as many or as few as you want. Some are light, some are heavy; some are reported pieces, others are personal essays; most are true, but there is always the fiction winner. Here are the compilations from 2007 , 2006, and 2005 .

Happy reading!



1 Comment

  1. Did you miss SS11 London fashion week? No fear, Mercedes covered all the best shows, see highlights at theiw voices of fashion site, its great!

    Comment by Issac Maez — November 18, 2010 @ 1:34 pm

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