Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 21, 2008

Mission Monday: Now Is The Time

Filed under: Be Super Fantastic — Miss Plumcake @ 3:45 pm

Today America celebrates Dr Martin Luther King Jr day. Your mission this week is to pluck up the courage to stand up for what you think is right and the grace to do it with the elegance of Dr King. Say something when you see someone beating the crap out of their kid in the produce section of the grocery store. Say something the next time one of your relatives who’s just “a product of a different generation” makes a racist joke. Caucus and rally for a political cause you believe in, without resorting to ugliness and ad hominem attacks.

If you’ve never listened to Dr King’s “I Have a Dream” speech in its entirety, do it now, and, because this is a style blog after all, check out all those narrow ties. Remind your gentlemen friends that a narrow black tie and a sharp white shirt is always a cool choice.

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