Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 25, 2008

Wide-width shoes for the weekend

Filed under: Boots,Shoes,Stuart Weitzman makes 'em wider — Francesca @ 7:16 am

Francesca loves these basic brown boots, especially the slightly forgiving heels which are somewhat more solid than the stilettos. And the luscious brown leather makes these a comfortable and high-quality staple. Mmmm Mmmm.

They are by Stuart Weitzman (of course!) and are called “Mars.”

Available here and here.

Happy weekend!



January 24, 2008

Leggings: Still Not Pants

Filed under: Honey. No. — Miss Plumcake @ 4:30 pm

Friends, I am concerned. There has been a rash –and I’m not sure I don’t mean that literally– of inappropriate legging abuse. I believe in the early days of this blog I went on record as being a bit of a legging apologist, with the caveat that leggings are sui generis and not to be confused with tights or, even worse, pants.

So it is with heavy heart I report to you that I have seen no fewer than four big girls wearing butt-grazing “big shirts” and leggings in professional situations. There is a time and a place for a big sequins shirt and leggings sans pants. That time is 1972 and that place is the soundstage of Liza Minnelli’s groundbreaking musical spectacular “Liza With a Z” choreographed by one Mister Bob Fosse.

See, the thing about leggings as a stand-alone garment is that they reveal a bit more feminine mystery than I (and therefore all sensible people everywhere) think strictly appropriate. There are certain nooks and crannies that –unless you happen to be a Thomas’ English muffin or that weird butt-implant chick married to Ice T– should be, in the name of decency if not medical science, be shrouded in mystery.

Plus there’s the cellulite issue. I’ve got it. Most big girls do. Now, I don’t stare into the mirror above my bed and wail into the lonesome darkness about it, but I’m not especially keen to show the general public exactly how closely the back of my thighs resemble the latest topographical relief map of northern Scotland.

To review: Don’t take fashion advice from a woman whose lasting contribution to society was the spider lash and remember that no matter how ultrafab you truly truly are, none of us want to see your English muffin at the grocery store.

Francesca recommends books: Revenge is Sweet

Filed under: Uncategorized — Francesca @ 7:53 am

Francesca tries to comport herself at all times as a lady, and believes that the desire for revenge is best overcome.

However, as a motivation for fictional characters it is satisfying indeed!

In honor of the release of the movie version of Sweeney Todd, Francesca recommends books and DVDs which show that indeed, revenge is best served cold.

First and best of all is the superfantastic The Count of Monte Cristo. The book version is available here, but Francesca must say that she somewhat prefers the movie version (sacriligious, I know). Either way, remember never to put your best friend in jail in order to save your reputation or to steal his girlfriend. You never know where that sort of thing might lead . . . .

Before you go to see Johnny Depp in Sweeney Todd, you might want to watch the Broadway version. Angela Lansbury is superfantastic!

One of Francesca’s favorite movies of all time: The First Wives Club. What could be better than a film that brings together Bette Midler, Diane Keaton, and Goldie Hawn? They are wonderful! Francesca has watched this movie many times and laughs every time. As Ivana Trump says in her cameo: Remember girls, don’t get mad. Get everything.

 Finally, Francesca understands that the motivations of the Hamlet are fuzzy and oft-debated, but in essence here we have the somewhat wishy-washy Hamlet burdened with the responsibility of exacting revenge against his uncle, for killing his father. Will he do it? Will he do it? Will he do it? Read to find out . . . here is the “feel self-righteous” version, and here is the “I want to read Shakespeare, but I don’t want to break my teeth”  version. And here is a movie version for the real cheaters. (Francesca jokes! Plays are meant to be watched!)

Happy reading and happy watching!



January 23, 2008

The Big Question: Two Piece

Filed under: The Big Question — Miss Plumcake @ 3:51 pm

Renowned hottie Pierce Brosnan –most famous for having starred in the James Bond franchise and several of my more face-reddening middle school dreams– was recently photographed on vacation with his wife, Keely Shaye Smith. Keely, a beautiful big girl and mother of the goofily-but-literately named Dylan Thomas Brosnan and Paris Beckett Brosnan, decided to shun the conventional one-piece wisdom and bust out the bikini. Now, as far as I’m concerned anyone who goes home at the end of the day and bangs James Bond can wear whatever they darn well please because obviously girlfriend is doing something right, but I’m just not convinced it was the best possible look.

With that in mind, Francesca and Plumcake want to know what are your thoughts on a big girl in a two piece?

Big Girls in Art: Rachel Deacon

Filed under: Art — Francesca @ 7:42 am

Here we have the lovely pear-shaped “Reclining Woman With Flowers” by Rachel Deacon.

Francesca asks: What is this woman looking at and what is she thinking?

(A poster print of this painting is available from the superfantastic here!)

January 22, 2008

NY Times on the Fatosphere!

Lookie! The New York Times has an article about our internet friends in the Fatosphere!

Blogs written by fat people — and it’s fine to use the word, they say — have multiplied in recent months, filling a virtual soapbox known as the fatosphere, where bloggers calling for fat acceptance challenge just about everything conventional medical wisdom has to say about obesity.

Smart, sassy and irreverent, bloggers with names like Big Fat Deal, FatChicksRule and Fatgrrl (“Now with 50 percent more fat!”) buck anti-obesity sentiment. They celebrate their full figures and call on readers to accept their bodies, quit dieting and get on with life.

The message from the fatosphere is not just that big is beautiful. Many of the bloggers dismiss the “obesity epidemic” as hysteria. They argue that Americans are not that much larger than they used to be and that being fat in and of itself is not necessarily bad for you.

And they reject a core belief that many Americans, including overweight ones, hold dear: that all a fat person needs to do to be thin is exercise more and eat less.

Francesca loves this quote from the fat male blogger, Red No. 3: “See, I don’t have a problem with fat. My body is simply adorned, and I’ll take that.”

Congratulations to all who were linked in the Times! You are superfantastic!

Be sure to scroll down to Francesca’s previous (and prophetic) post, which links to many superfantastic fat blogs.


Linky Lurve

Fabulous posts from around the world of fat blogging . . .

Kate Harding: That’s a lovely straw fatty you’ve constructed there

Big Fat Blog: Not being able to put an armrest down doesn’t equal a disability.

Big Fat Deal: Am I crazy to think that unconditional and true love still exists?

Chewing the Fatz: No one stopped the traffic and accused me of committing atrocities against the human race.

The Rotund: accepting that BMI is crap does not need to come with a fat-shame rider attached.

Loving My Belly: It really isn’t difficult for me to see fat as a genetic variation rather than a personal failure or a lack of moral character.

Feed Me!: These three little sentences are about as radical as the Declaration of Independence was 225+ years ago.

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