Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

April 3, 2008

27 (prom) Dresses #14

Filed under: Fashion — Francesca @ 12:03 pm

What Francesca likes about this dress is that, first, it is available up to Size 32, and why should the girl who wears Size 32 not have a fabulous time at her prom? And second, it comes with a nice little jacket, and why should the girl with the lumpy-squishy arms, like Francesca, also not have a fabulous time at her prom? And third, it does not have the empire waist which so many dresses have today, nor does it have the sash at the waist, and so this dress is a good option for those who — also like Francesca — are very Appley.

Have a fabulous time at the prom!

1 Comment

  1. Because I really want to look like a galaxy…

    Comment by Noe — April 5, 2008 @ 7:38 am

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