Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

May 7, 2008

Plumcake’s Glammy Movies: Part Deux

Filed under: Movies — Miss Plumcake @ 4:52 pm

I do not say that 8 Femmes, today’s glammy movie is the glammiest movie that will ever be made. I am only saying it is the most glamorous movie that has ever been made.

I’m sure that modern science, once it has sent a middle-aged man to Jupiter supplied with pills ensuring readiness for all the interplanetary nookie he can, ahem, stand, that the fine doctors and scientists will turn their heads to creating a film that is actually glamorous at a molecular or even sub-atomic level.Until then 8 Femmes, a stylishly torrid, often humorous murder mystery (and each actress has a musical number!) will just have to tide you over.

8 FemmesThe day before Christmas sometime n the late 1950’s, eight women in an isolated French estate try to figure out which among them is responsible for the master of the house’s current state of repose (read: dead, locked in a bedroom with a knife in his back) The cast is stellar. Catherine Deneuve, Isabelle Huppert, Fanny Ardant, Emmanuelle Beart, Virginie Ledoyen and Ludivine Sagnier as the sweet young daughter before she got her kit off in Swimming Pool.

I don’t want to give too much away but I will tell you that Catherine Deneuve, who plays the freshly-minted and not-entirely-grieved widow and Fanny Ardant, the murdered man’s sister of ill-repute have the single most glamorous catfight I’ve ever seen. Lily ponds and shoulder pads be damned.

Watch the trailer here and prepare to die of chic.


  1. They have to work REALLY hard to make Isabelle “homely” in her “homely” stages.

    What strikes me about this movie is that if Catherine Deneuve were a young starlet now, they’d try to trim her down with a 14 calorie per day diet and pills–and literally destroy one of the best figures *ever*. Literally one of the sexiest women to suck oxygen on planet earth.

    If you haven’t seen the Swimming Pool, I *highly* recommend it. Charotte Rampling is as sexy as ever!

    Comment by Chaser — May 7, 2008 @ 9:26 pm

  2. C’est formidable!

    Comment by Hulk — May 12, 2008 @ 10:26 am

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