Can you even imagine how unspeakably fab you would be in these robin egg glories? They are, of course, by il Maestro Manolo, from his new Pre-Fall collection.
It is to sigh.
Do you know what you really need to show these off to their best advantage, though?
A yacht.
Growing up we had the sweetest little yacht in the whole wide world named The Night Owl and it still wounds my patent leather soul that I never had the opportunity to wear any of my fabby shoes acquired later in life aboard The Night Owl.
I feel that many of my shoes really need a yacht to truly be shown to their best, and I suspect that when I die and if by some clerical error through the pearly gates (how Chanel!) my celestial residence won’t be a bunch of martyrs in cotton voile maxi-dresses perched on clouds, serenely plucking upon the ten-stringèd lyre. Instead, I will repent from my previous evil ways –namely scuttling about on deck like a sartorially challenged crab in clear pink glitter jelly sandals and sneaker-type monstrosities with neon corkscrew laces and a good deal more layers of rolled-down socks than the weather and confines of good taste required.
Ah, so fun to revisit the scenes of past crimes of fashion.
Comment by Miss Laura Mars — May 15, 2008 @ 4:18 pm
I saw those, too, and I also felt… um, drawn to them. But for me, the ideal showplace would not be a yacht. It would be a table in the bar at the Crillon.
Comment by Style Spy — May 16, 2008 @ 9:34 am
Oh, how I loved my jellies! Particularly because they had the imprint of a daisy on their soles, so if I walked through a puddle and then onto dry sidewalk, I left little flowerprints in my wake. I thought I was the height of fashion!
Comment by Crinklish — May 16, 2008 @ 11:29 am
Those shoes are making me drool.
Comment by La Petite Acadienne — May 16, 2008 @ 9:08 pm