Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

June 27, 2008

Hello Gorgeous! Ferragamo Friday!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Miss Plumcake @ 7:48 am

Remember last week when we were talking about aging into things? For me, Ferragamo is one of those brands that I’ll still have to age into. I was at the symphony a few weeks ago and somehow lucked into to the Founders’ Circle. It was nothing but a parade of fantastically aged matrons in their St. John suits and Ferragamo flats and it was fabulous. The flats are just a little too close to home in their WASPiness for me to wear them personally. It’s just a little too literal. I drive a luxury vehicle and can metabolize gin like a anamatronic sailor, I don’t need any more social signifiers, thanks.
Mmm Ferragamo!THESE however, these are shoes you can wear until you’re dead. They are Not Cheap and I’m always hesitant on recommending fabric shoes because they’re just not at hearty as their leather counterparts but they are classic classic classic. The color is gorgeous, the cut is flattering on the foot and although the heel does tend towards the slender side, it’s “only” three inches so it’s not like you’ll be teetering around like a stilt-walker with an inner ear infection whenever you walk across the room.

Happy Weekend Everybody!


  1. Actually, since I’ve been known to fall off my heels when wearing flats, I would stagger like a stilt-walker with an inner ear infection in these.

    Still, I will happily admire them on someone else’s feet. They are quite gracefully cut and the color is beyond divine.

    Comment by Twistie — June 27, 2008 @ 10:58 am

  2. My mother loves her Ferragamos – especially the flats. She keeps trying to get me into them and I politely decline while my inner voice cries, “NOOOO!”

    Pretty color but I’m still not ready.

    Comment by Karen B. — June 27, 2008 @ 1:12 pm

  3. Please do not think you must age into Ferragamo! The Ferragamo Audrey is one of the cutest and most practical shoes ever made. I have it in black cloth and black (faux) croc skin both, and I don’t think I have any other black flats. I even wore them with my suit on job interviews, successfully, and they’re so comfortable. And did I mention adorable? Love them.

    Comment by Nemtynakht — June 27, 2008 @ 2:00 pm

  4. *sighs*
    So pretty… but even if I had the moolah to get them, alas, they would not fit.
    The curse of size 12.

    Comment by AmazonPrincess — June 27, 2008 @ 4:37 pm

  5. That is indeed a gorgeous shoe, but to my eye would not look good on most big girls. Too delicate, too prone to foot bulge. Whenever I try on shoes like that I feel like the dancing hippos from Fantasia. But I am not one of The Big Girls blessed of shapely legs.

    Comment by Abigail — June 27, 2008 @ 4:47 pm

  6. Ooooh they are lovely. More than rent + utilities combined, but sooo lovely.

    Comment by VerseFameBeauty — June 27, 2008 @ 5:44 pm

  7. Those are breathtakingly beautiful. I love both the shape and color.

    Comment by Brooke — June 27, 2008 @ 9:41 pm

  8. There’s a second hand shop in Northwest DC that is full of high-end clothes one needs to age into (like the great wine) rather more than I have so I don’t shop there often, but I do check in every once and awhile for the shoes. Normally I am no fan of second-hand shoes, broken in to someone else’s differently shaped feet, but for $40, barely worn ferragamos, I will make an exception. Yes, perhaps many of them suit a more mature foot than mine, but I have found several pairs that are great with suits and are, as always, beautifully made.

    Comment by Leah — June 28, 2008 @ 8:50 am

  9. Those are gorgeous! ‘Nuff said.

    Comment by Eilish — June 30, 2008 @ 2:22 am

  10. I am 20, with a pair of ferragamo varas in patent leather
    love them soo much, as a shop assistant they are great, saw them on gossip girl, so i think i am not wearing ‘mum’ shoes, but beautiful stylish icons of style- like the chanel flat.
    v. expensive tho… :s

    Comment by steph — August 18, 2008 @ 9:18 am

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