Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

July 5, 2008

Highlights of the Fatoshpere

Filed under: This Week In Fat Blogging — Twistie @ 12:36 pm

Over the past week or so, some great things have been written by our fellow bloggers of size. Here are a couple of the highlights:

The Rotund has a lovely reminder today that being kind to your body is part of being superfantastic…and keeping sane in a crazy world. Makes me want to make an appointment for a massage. In fact, I think I just might do that.
The Fat Experience Project is looking for your stories of what it’s like to be plus-sized in our world. The idea is to bring faces to the question of size acceptance. Go. Read some stories. Submit your own. Telling stories is important.

Junk Food Science neatly dissects a recent study claiming to prove that fat mothers who clearly eat nothing but junk food have fat babies who eat the earth and then die and it’s all the mother’s fault.

Big Fat Delicious has yet another example of the so-called Obesity Paradox to share with us all.

And if you need a good giggle, I highly recommend heading over to Shapely Prose and reading the thread on Spaghetti Language. There are some darn funny bits of prose in that thread.

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