Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

July 7, 2008

Meet-and-Greet tonight!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Francesca @ 8:35 am

Remember, Francesca is inviting our readers to meet for cocktails tonight from 7:30-9:30 pm, at The View, at the top of the Marriott Marquis hotel in Times Square, Manhattan. Looking forward to meeting our readers there! xoxo


  1. Sorry! Double bad-luck today, with a wonky knee and wardrobe incompatibility (no chance to change from grubbies to respectable before meeting).

    Hope you have a fine time with other friends.

    Comment by Kathleen — July 7, 2008 @ 4:26 pm

  2. Kathleen-

    Please, it is better to come with your grubbies and a smile than not to come at all. Hoping to see you there.


    Comment by Francesca — July 7, 2008 @ 5:11 pm

  3. The Gemdiva was regretably chained to her disk with last minute projects by the evil troll that masquerades as her boss and was, unfortunately, unable to make the trip into the city. I hope that a good time was had by all and that the gathering will be repeated in future, so that I may have another chance to mingle with Francesca and all you superfantastic ladies.

    Comment by gemdiva — July 7, 2008 @ 11:14 pm

  4. Uhh that would be her desk.

    Comment by gemdiva — July 8, 2008 @ 1:27 pm

  5. Oh Francesca, I am so sorry I did not make it. My beautiful, full figured golden retriever Rosy was SHOT by a stupid young boy in the wilds of Long Island. I thought BB guns were illegal?

    I am very sad as she was hit badly and I just couldn’t leave her. Who knew a walk in a state park could end this way?

    Comment by Christine — July 8, 2008 @ 2:26 pm

  6. Oh Christine that’s so sad :( :(

    Comment by teteatete — July 8, 2008 @ 8:26 pm

  7. Thanks teteatete it’s been rough. They think she has some tendon damage and she might lose her eye…unbelievable. :(

    Comment by Christine — July 9, 2008 @ 10:02 am

  8. I certainly hope she has as little lasting damage as possible and a speedy recovery!

    Comment by teteatete — July 9, 2008 @ 3:11 pm

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