Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

July 22, 2008

Be quoted in First magazine!

Filed under: The Fat's in the Fire — Francesca @ 4:21 pm

Speaking of snappy comebacks, Francesca has received the following email from an editor at First:

[W]e’re doing a feature on body snark – the witty things women say if someone makes a rude comment about their body.

One staffer had an example from her mom, who was approached by a kid cousin with the question, “Why are you so fat?” Her reply: “Because I eat little children like you.”

We’re looking for anything dealing with unexpected, rude/out of place/uncalled for comments about your body, appetite, or anything affecting body image. Then, we want to know what you said in response. This will come out around holiday time so anything wintery/Christmassy/dinnertable-y is a plus.

If you have used a great comeback to negative body comments, and want to be quoted in the magazine, send the anecdote, your full name, city, state, age, and a snapshot of yourself (all of this must be part of your email for you to be included) to:

Submissions must be received on or before THIS FRIDAY.

(Francesca notes that the mother of this editor’s colleague is less earnest with little children than Francesca is. She hopes the teeny cousin took it in good stride. )

(Francesca also notes that First publishes stories such as “Lose 7-9 lbs in 3 Days.” Ahem.


Francesca is torn between wishing to write her own snarky comment about that, and recognizing the fun of having one’s name and picture in a women’s magazine. But since this is a fashion blog, she will leave such questions to Kate Harding and call it a day.)

Good luck and have fun!


  1. “Because I eat little children like you.” !!!

    Best. Comeback. Ever.

    Likely to alienate both child and parent(s), but who cares? Bwa ha ha!

    Comment by Wendy — July 22, 2008 @ 6:31 pm

  2. What a bizarre magazine. Miracle detox? Do you need anything more miraculous than your liver? Lose 7-9 pounds in 3 days? Isn’t that like a person dying of a debilitating illness?

    Comment by wildflower — July 22, 2008 @ 6:53 pm

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