My little brother, who is nearly perfect in every way (except for that time he showed up to our Grandparent’s 60th Wedding Anniversary wearing a bifurcated goatee and –brace yourselves– rented vinyl mock-spats) has the most hatefully beautiful eyelashes in the history of the whole damn world and it makes me want to kick him until my toes cave in.
Anyway, since apparently it’s ” illegal” and “creepy” to harvest other people’s eyelashes I’ve searched high and low for a natural-looking mascara that won’t clump or make me look over done.
Enter Ardell LashMagic Blending Mascara available for $4.99 at Originally designed to make false lashes make more natural (and it does, but I use it sans falsies) it’s the first mascara I’ve ever used that absolutely refuses to clump or turn all spidery on my face. It’s brilliant, cheap and incredibly good at its job.
Frankly it’s like looking in a mirror.
Ooh! La Petite Acadienne is always on the quest for a mascara that will give her the perfect soft, feathery fringe.
I love Too Faced Lash Injection, but it’s a tad pricey, especially as I have to order it (it’s not carried anywhere near where I live.) So I’ll have to scout out this Ardell stuff.
Comment by La Petite Acadienne — July 22, 2008 @ 9:12 pm
Why do boys get the good eyelashes? My younger brother also has lush, full, long eyelashes, while mine are thin and stumpy. It’s really not fair.
Comment by Melissa B. — July 23, 2008 @ 9:52 am
Finally picked this up at Walgreens , i figured for 4.99 i can try it, and it is great, no clumps and no spots of mascara all over my eyes thanks!!!
Comment by Kerry — August 6, 2008 @ 4:43 pm