Go read this entry at the New York Times’ “Wellness” blog, and listen to the mp3 podcast at the end. Francesca hath spoken!
July 25, 2008
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Go read this entry at the New York Times’ “Wellness” blog, and listen to the mp3 podcast at the end. Francesca hath spoken!
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However, don’t read the comments unless you can deal with the nasties.
Comment by Joanna — July 28, 2008 @ 9:31 am
Sorry! I’m laughing hysterically! So many righteous people talking about how this is the first time in history that so many of us are obese. Haven’t any of them been to a museum? Look at Roman statues. Look at Renaissance paintings. Look at history! People worked, they did not exercise. People in the past that weighed what is considered desirable today had consumption and were dying. I’m not saying that morbid obesity was normal but people didn’t want to be sticks and bones. This is the first time in history that it is acceptable and encouraged for people to starve themselves to the point of anorexia. What we need is a balance. Marilyn Monroe would be considered a fat pig today. Mae West would be an object of riducule and never considered sexy. So, lets quit calling names and reach a HEALTHY balance! You eat a little more, I’ll eat a little less. I won’t judge if you won’t judge me. Tolerance is suppose to be an American virtue. Try it folks! Makes you feel all fuzzy and do gooderish!
Comment by Jennie — July 28, 2008 @ 6:10 pm