Francesca has a book collection of which she is very proud, and she is always happy to allow guests to peruse her personal library and borrow books.
Lately, this book has flying off the shelf, to be borrowed by yet another person (even non-geeks), every time it is put back on the shelf, leading Francesca to believe that Something Is Going On with this book, and perhaps now would be a good time to introduce it here:
The book shows how the Star Wars story uses references to mythology from around the world. An important companion to this book is Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth, though Francesca enjoyed his The Hero with a Thousand Faces even more.
Happy reading!
Joseph Campbell is fascinating. I watched his series on The Power of Myth/read the book for a class last year, and I think his books are a great recommendation. It really puts a new perspective on the diversity of religions in the world (at least it did for me), and it’s definitely nice anytime someone comes up with a theory that encourages acceptance (religious or otherwise).
Comment by crewbie — August 21, 2008 @ 10:29 am
Do you have the Star Wars Christmas album? I think you would probably like it. (I don’t exactly see what this has to do with the blog subject, though.)
Comment by Laura — August 22, 2008 @ 9:23 am
I am sending the Power of Myth part 1 back to Netflix tomorrow it is awesome! I am not a big Star Wars geek despite my other inherently geeky pursuits. I did like Ewoks though.
Comment by AmazonAngelle — August 22, 2008 @ 3:21 pm