Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

September 5, 2008

Francesca recommends books

Filed under: Books — Francesca @ 9:10 am

This weekend, Francesca plans to sit on the sun-dappled porch or in the hammock, and re-read two of her favorite books of all time,  Watership Down and Tigana.


Other than being epic in scope, the  two books are very different from each other, but each is an escape in its own way.

Happy reading and happy weekend!




  1. Wateship Down is my favorite book ever!

    Comment by Fran — September 5, 2008 @ 12:35 pm

  2. You need to join the wonderful world of Jennifer Crusie – she understands the wonders of shoes and the zaftig figure. Go read “Bet Me”; you’ll laugh yourself silly.

    Comment by Eva — September 5, 2008 @ 3:53 pm

  3. Love Tigana. Got to it the weirdest way possible – I read The Night Battles (a history book, Kay mentions it in his acknowledgements) and was telling my husband about the benandanti when he handed me Tigana.

    Comment by TeleriB — September 6, 2008 @ 8:59 am

  4. I tried to read Watership Down. I tried repeatedly. From age ten when someone gave it to me for Christmas until my late twenties, I would pick it up and try to read it periodically. I never could do it.

    It’s not even that I was disliking what I was reading, or upset by any of the concepts. It’s just I’d get to chapter five, put the book down and not pick it up again for another year or two.

    To this day, I have no clue whatsoever why I couldn’t get past chapter five. After all, I read War and Peace just fine at fourteen, and at ten I was merrily reading all sorts of Victorian novels and dense history books. I’ve always been fine with anthropomorphized critters in books. From all outside clues it ought to have been a slam dunk for me. Then I’d get to chapter five.

    Maybe if I tried again I would figure it out…or maybe I’ll go read something else.

    Comment by Twistie — September 6, 2008 @ 10:42 am

  5. Guy Gavriel Kay is – at least in Europe – one of the most underestimated writers of fantasy. I love him, too.
    And Watership Down is such a classic, I remember when my parents brought the movie home “Because it’s an animation, it must be a good movie for the kids”. Was a lot worse than the day Bambis mother was killed in the fire, but then this was a real kids movie and Watership Down certainly isn’t.

    Comment by Anastasia — September 6, 2008 @ 2:52 pm

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