Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

September 22, 2008

Top o’ the Week to You

Filed under: Fashion — Francesca @ 10:57 am

Good day to our dear readers!

Francesca comes to you today from Dublin. Don’t ask; it is a last-minute trip and involves meetings, meetings, meetings. She will be back Stateside very soon.

In any case, Francesca today wishes to remind you that J.C. Penney has an extensive Plus-Size department, and if you order $49 or more of merchandise TODAY, you will get free shipping.

In honor of Ireland, Francesca’s pick for today is this green (well, olive really, but close enough) jacket-dress, very wearable for work and only 80 American dollars!

Happy shopping and happy week!

xoxo, Francesca

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