Francesca is of two minds when it comes to recommending “foundation undergarments” which “smooth and flatten” one’s lumpier parts.
On one hand, Manolo, Plumcake and I wish to communicate our feelings that women of all sizes and shapes can successfully aspire to look and feel superfantastic. One’s Bigger parts need not induce shame; on the contrary, we wish you to celebrate your body and all its components!
On the other hand, Francesca knows that there are occasions on which one wishes to use a little something to “smooth” certain areas. For some, it is the hips. For others, it is the tummy. There are women who wear minimizer bras and women who wear control top pantyhose. And Francesca says: if it makes you feel better about wearing your Little Black Dress, then go for it.
(Yes, Francesca herself owns a pair of < Hi Rise Spanx. They do not make Francesca littler — and she does not need to be littler to look and feel gorgeous — but they do smooth the lumpy lines and make the LBD hang a little more sleekly.)
It is with this introduction that Francesa, with a bit of hesitation, informs you that a company called Jax & Jewels has introduced a new product which acts as a minimizer for the upper arms. The unfortunate name for the product is Flabuless, but Francesca can see how it would be useful for many; she is considering trying it herself to see how it works, and how well.
She does not understand how it helps one to wear sleeveless clothing — surely, it would be obvious to others that one is wearing something on one’s arms — but perhaps with the flutter sleeves? the cap sleeves? the top with the extremely tight sleeves?
If any of our dear readers do try this product, please let us know how it performs.
Actually, what I’d like to hear is if you have any reccomendations for good foundation garmets, other than Spanx.
It seems like if you want firm tummy control you have to wear undies that are so tight with support panels that you start sweating as soon as you put them on. Spanx are nice and lightweight, but I never feel they give as much “sucky in-ness” as I would like.
Avenue used to make these wonderful control undies that gave great smoothing while not being too granny-ish. They were made out of this great stretch lace, and I’m down to my last couple of pairs.
Help, I need something new!
Comment by Lunakitsch — September 25, 2008 @ 2:24 pm
First, it looks like a torture device.
Second, what is the point? If i’m wearing sleeves to my wrists, I really don’t care if my triceps are not sucked in…that’s why I wore sleeves to my wrists.
I just can’t possibly envision a time when I might feel the need to wear that thing.
Comment by Brittany — September 25, 2008 @ 3:43 pm
My thoughts exactly! What’s the point of wearing something under a sleeve? The sleeve gives you the coverage! This seems like something made for body-obsessive skinny women.
Comment by emmme — September 26, 2008 @ 2:05 pm
I could see wearing those if you want to wear a sleeveless dress, but maybe you want to be more modest…or something. Or if you have scars to cover up.
Comment by Jbritbro — September 27, 2008 @ 4:35 pm
Actually, for the person asking about something more-than-Spanx I’d actually suggest trying the hi-rise Spanx. I’ve never been super-impressed with regular Spanx — I think DKNY does a better control top. But it took me 10 minutes to wiggle into a pair of the hi-rise Spanx with a moment of shock and horror when I realized they were open at the crotch. After pondering why they would possibly be crotchless when they’re one of the least sexy things one can wear (under clothes – good, alone – ugh) I read the package and realized it’s because they’re so tight that you may not be able to get them off to go to the bathroom. I wore them out for an evening and they totally tamed my raging muffintop in a pair of low-waisted jeans, and held in everything enough to allow a drape-y crepe blouse to flow over curves rather than barely contain them. It’s not a girdle-girdle but based on how that blouse fit, I think it held me in a good inch or two in the squishy waist area beyond basic smoothing. However, it does also smooth out the booty, which is a bit of a bummer if you’re butt-proud. I’ve heard good things about for girdle-girdles though I don’t think they have much of a selection in larger sizes.
Comment by SaraDarling — September 27, 2008 @ 5:53 pm
Actually, it looks very much like a home-made device I’ve used out of old panty hose to wear to my ‘goth nights’ with a slip or a sleeveless shirt. It works rather nicely to hide arm flab, but still be a much lighter layer than a shrug, which is usually made out of a heavy material that makes one FAR to sweaty when dancing.
I personally love it, although I’m not sure the ladies that are not of the off-key gothic persuasion would like it… they might have a hard time getting used to it. I also have pretty nasty stretch-mark scarring on my upper arms, so its a God-Send to someone like me.
Unless its a horribly hot summer day, then I just let the flab flap. ^_^
Comment by Katherine — September 28, 2008 @ 11:55 am