Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

December 4, 2008

Igigi Contest Winner, and SALE!

Filed under: Fashion,Sales,Uncategorized — Francesca @ 8:27 am

Congratulations to our internet friend JULIE GREEN! She has won the $250 gift certificate to Igigi, through the Igigi /Manolo for the Big Girl contest!

Of course it is up to the Julie to decide how to use her prize, but Francesca wishes to point out that Igigi is having a huge sale which ENDS TODAY, and that for $250 one can purchase this fabulous assymetrical dress

AND the Donatella Dress

and still have a few dollars left over.

Francesca is just sayin’.


1 Comment

  1. Congratulions, Julie!

    Comment by Twistie — December 4, 2008 @ 11:48 am

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