Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 10, 2009

Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Exercise Edition: The Result

Filed under: Uncategorized — Twistie @ 12:43 pm

Oh my dears, I love the way your little corkscrew minds work.

Last week I hit you with this image:

Aerobics Thumbs Down and you responded with fourteen hilarious captions.

Your flights of fancy ran the gamut from Madonna tributes to high-impact tai chi (gotta give it up to raincoaster for that concept!) to…well a lot of scary things that made me laugh ’til I shook like a bowlful of jelly. Also, coffee may have come out my nose at one point. Not pretty.

In the end though, there can be but one winner and that winner has to be Bree for this awesome expression of body love:

“Sorry Valerie Bertinelli, I’m too busy working up a sweat to listen to your latest orgasm over Jenny Craig!”

Congratulations, Bree! And a hearty thanks to everyone who played.


  1. Thanks!!! This is my second win at this contest so y’all don’t get jealous! ;-)

    I had seen the new commercial with Valerie on New Year’s Day talking about Jenny’s new Volumetrics weight loss plan and that popped into my head.

    Comment by Bree — January 10, 2009 @ 10:24 pm

  2. Gaagh! Jenny Craig. Puhlease. Any “weight loss” program that encourages you to become completely dependent on their miniscule pre-packaged meals –AND spend *major* bucks on them — instead of teaching you how to cook healthy delicious meals for yourself is the work of SATAN.

    Way to go, Bree.

    Comment by Blobarella — January 11, 2009 @ 2:18 pm

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