Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 13, 2009

Germs are not superfantastic

Filed under: Honey. No.,Uncategorized — Francesca @ 1:40 pm

This has nothing to do with fashion, plus-size or otherwise, but … well, you will see why Francesca feels it would be cruel not to pass along this information…

Did you know that one of the most bacteria-infested items in the Western world is the dear, familiar computer keyboard?

Think about it …

So, what Francesca wants you to do right now is to take a tissue or paper towel, spray it lightly with a disinfecting agent (anti-bacterial mouthwash actually works well for this — Francesca learned that from “How Clean is Your House?” — or use window cleaner if you want to get the big guns), and wipe it gently over your mouse and all the buttons on your keyboard.

Because the only thing less attractive than this:


is a keyboard covered in a microscopic mess!

Francesca hath spoken.


1 Comment

  1. Peruvian Connection is having a half price sale and most of the tops are L & XL only.

    Comment by annie — January 13, 2009 @ 7:46 pm

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