Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 21, 2009

Francesca in Love

Filed under: Fashion,Petite and Plus-Size,Review Revue,Sales — Francesca @ 8:19 am

Francesca just received the Igigi Velvet Wrap Dress (with silk charmeuse tie), which she ordered  a while ago. Since Francesca has been traveling, she had to wait a while before being in the same city as the dress so she could try it on.

Let Francesca tell you about this dress.

The magic of Igigi is that although their clothes do not come in petite sizes, and do not always appear to be suitable for the Apple, they always fit Francesca perfectly.

Francesca is 5’1″ and very Appley. On taller folk, the dress is designed to come to just below the knee and have 3/4 sleeves (as pictured). On Francesca, the sleeves came down, quite attractively, to the wrists, and the hem fell just below the wide part of the calf. The shoulders fit perfectly. The plunging neckline ended exactly at the point just above Francesca’s bra.

And, though wrap dresses are generally an iffy proposition for Apples, this one draped perfectly. She does not know how Igigi does it.

Francesca’s mother was in the room, and said “Francesca, the dress looks like it was made for you.” The emerald green color was beautiful with Francesca’s light-red hair. (The dress also comes in black.)

The only criticism I have is that the dress should really be lined. One certainly needs to wear a good slip underneath the skirt.

It just goes to show that Apples CAN wear wrap dresses, and petites CAN sometimes wear regular sizes. Do not be afraid to experiment (especially when the dress is on sale, as this one is)!




  1. Awaiting your commentary on the new first woman’s two disastrous fashion picks in one day.

    First, there among the sea of elegantly tailored blues, from turquoise to periwinkle and purpley, she stood there in a tent the color of puke or bile, with sparkly bling at the collar. Later, it was a summer white, one shoulder toga-like frufru affair, ruffly and more ruffly, and more and more ruffly.

    Yikes. Her first official act ought to be to fire all the advisors who allowed her out of the dressing room in these completely unflattering rags.

    Comment by annie — January 21, 2009 @ 1:34 pm

  2. Francesca,

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – you rule!

    The nature of my work dictates that I have at least two dressy black…um…dresses for awards season. I had recently purchased a different dress at igigi for full price (worth every penny). I just picked up the black version of the velvet wrap dress on your recommendation.

    Thanks for saving me money and helping me look great!

    Yours in superfantasticness,


    Comment by Liz B. — January 21, 2009 @ 6:26 pm

  3. I LOVE the color of that dress, and I look good in dark green. But I find with a lot of Igigi’s dresses, the neckline is too plunging, especially because my chest is quite large and that V neck would be dangerously low.

    Comment by Bree — January 21, 2009 @ 6:39 pm

  4. Awaiting your commentary on the new first woman’s two disastrous fashion picks in one day.

    The day this blog devotes itself to picking women apart is the day I leave forever. Luckily, that seems extremely unlikely to happen.

    Comment by Sniper — January 21, 2009 @ 10:18 pm

  5. that was a great read, Just subscribed to your feed. Was searching for “woman clothes” when I found “Manolo for the Big Girl!”. More insight from the ultimate insight gang.

    Comment by Woman Clothes — February 6, 2009 @ 11:01 am

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