Gemdiva wrote:
Francesca, Allow me to suggest this painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. A print of it hangs in my bedroom and I have always admired this big girl for looking so matter-of-factly and directly at the painter without any shame or embarassment. Enjoy.
Francesca thinks that what Gemdiva meant was that this woman was not ashamed to be nude, not that she had any reason to feel ashamed for being a Big Girl. After all, for Renoir, this figure was the epitome of female beauty.
Exhibitionism is equal opportunity!
Thank you, Gemdiva, for pointing out this beautiful painting.
That was exactly what I meant, Francesca. I admire her audacity.
Comment by gemdiva — February 9, 2009 @ 11:36 am
It’s more than just not being ashamed–she’s aware, as the subject of the beholder’s gaze, that she is beautiful (and she even has a little bit of delight in gazing back at her viewer, directly, like an equal–she likes what she sees!). She’s not just Renoir’s ideal of beauty, she’s an ideal of beauty which encompasses her sexuality as well.
I think women today need a heck of a lot more images like this around.
Comment by thesearentchachaheels — February 10, 2009 @ 8:43 am