Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

June 19, 2009

From Francesca’s Inbox: Sales for the Weekend

Filed under: Sales — Francesca @ 8:08 am

Zaftique will give a flat shipping rate of $3.50 on any order of $100 or more, with code FRJULY09, through Sunday. However, note that this code expires after 1,500 uses, so act quickly. Francesca likes their bridal boutique, which is just a little bit reminiscent of the Ren Faire, without going overboard.

Evans is having a 50% off sale! Worthwhile to order from London, now.

Land’s End is having a sale on summer-wear. Click here to go straight to plus sizes.

La Grande Dame has taken 50% off items by Lafayette 148 New York, ending today. Also, remember to sign up soon for their newsletter, in order to receive free shipping for life.

Just My Size will take 15% off the entire website. Ends Sunday. (Discount will be applied at checkout.)

Chico’s summer sale has just begun, with markdowns up to 75%.

Igigi is offering free shipping on orders of $50 or more, within the continental United States. No code needed. Offer ends Monday. Note they have cute new dresses for work or the Sunday date.

Silhouettes will take 20% off any order of $100 or more with code S9KE4, through Monday. Click here to enjoy their Summer Sale.

Coldwater Creek will take $20 off orders of $80 or more, online and in stores, with code WKH5173. Ends Tuesday.

Happy shopping and happy weekend!



  1. Thank you thank you thank you! I’m going to a wedding next month and I was looking everywhere for a formal gown that included short sleeves, but nobody seemed to offer that. Either they were sleeveless (much as I wish I could, my arms would not do well to be exposed), or they had sleeves and were baggy and shapeless. I’ve never shopped at Zaftique, before, they had exactly what I was looking for. I love the touch of ren-faire, too. :)

    Comment by Cambiata — June 19, 2009 @ 10:17 am

  2. that igigi dress is KEE-YOOT!

    Comment by marjorie — June 19, 2009 @ 1:36 pm

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