Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

June 25, 2009

This? Is SO Brilliant. If you like swearing cartoons. Which I do.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Miss Plumcake @ 9:03 am

Okay, big language warning here. Enormous, massive, zepplin-sized language warning. Seriously.

But for those folks who –like me– love nothing more than watching a righteously indignant cartoon drop f bombs like wartime Berlin, check this out.

I’d like to know what happened to all the fat people!

“I’d like to know how being overweight became so reviled that they had to take a guy like SANTA and slim him down so he’s not a ‘bad influence on the children’.”

Now I don’t necessarily agree with everything the angry cartoon creature (is it a…cat?) said, but I’m glad internet friend Cat (the goth one, with whom we are not yet finished) sent it along.


  1. LOVE IT!

    Comment by Krystal — June 25, 2009 @ 10:05 am

  2. That was fantastic! I love Foamy.

    p.s. Foamy’s a squirrel.

    Comment by Toyouke — June 25, 2009 @ 10:49 am

  3. Ha ha, I agree with practically everything Foamy says. He’s hilarious.

    Comment by Cambiata — June 25, 2009 @ 10:59 am

  4. It would have been funnier if most the actors he cited as “fat people who aren’t in the movies any more” weren’t DEAD.

    Comment by Margo — June 25, 2009 @ 1:23 pm

  5. Foamy is a squirrel!

    Comment by Boobsihazdem — June 26, 2009 @ 5:49 am

  6. Agreed, Margo, though the squirrel still has a point. Nobody’s that large anymore in the movies unless it’s Eddie Murphy doing a fat suit part. I think the largest performer getting regular gigs is Queen Latifah. Love, love, LOVE Latifah, but Chris Farley has no successor of any race. That’s just plain not fair.

    Comment by Lysana — June 26, 2009 @ 4:54 pm

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