Well gang, it’s been fun, but all good things must come to a time when Plumcake gets bored and wants to put up pictures of that guy from The Green Wing (zomg I love him so much, he is everything a guy should be: namely funny and ginger with good hair). I want to thank all you crazy broads for the dozens and dozens of submissions. We’ll do it again sometime soon, so if your guy didn’t get lucky this time, don’t let him jump off a turret.
Let’s start with Chris submitted by our much-beloved Class Factotum.
I was hesitant to put Chris up because the only thing some people love more than children are cats and then I’d have a million cat photos and since the only relationship I’ve ever had with cats was with Mister Hifi Banjostrings, the hateful tabby I rescued when I was 21 and who spent the next four years of his life trying to kill me in my sleep. Bastard. Banjo I mean, not Chris. Although he does totally look like he could play an evil-but-sexy Bond villain with a six-thousand dollar suit and a generic European accent, in which case the cat makes sense. What would be his Bond name?
And then we have Eric, modeling this season’s formal tweenage field hockey uniform.
I kid, I kid (mostly just because he could probably beat me up.) Turns out Eric isn’t Scottish or Irish but German and Scandinavian but I guess he wanted something to show his knees and it’s hard to find formal lederhosen on short notice. I hope y’all at least had the decency to serve that “great chieftain o’ the puddin‘ race” I can forgive a lot for a good haggis. Oh and those spats? He made them himself!
Next we have Kyle:
Sarah, whose email arrived just a hair before the cut-off time is Just Friends with the Cap’n here, who belongs to her pal Stephanie. Sarah would like to assure everyone that this is NOT payback for Kyle setting her up with a hot Jewish firefighter, which I think we all know is a big fat lie, but whatever gets your ladder extended, Sarah. Go get ’em.
Finally I’ve got three of my own to submit.
That’s right, two hotnesses for the price of one. Will and Nathan (who has earned the nickname Nips Akimbo for reasons that shall not be divulged on this blog) are one of my favorite old married couples, they look great in kilts and I’m sure they’d look great out of them too but cruelty of cruelty, I doubt I’ll ever know.
Last but certainly not least is your friend and mine, Mister Charm himself, photographer Nathan Black.
Nathan, aside from being a genius photographer, bon vivant and all-around Good Egg is launching a crazy-exciting project called 30 Days in the Air. See, Mister Black was one of the lucky folks who caught Jet Blue’s “Jet Anywhere for $599” and is going to document his travels across the country as he hops hither and yon, one couch at a time. Subscribe now so you don’t miss a minute and be there for the takeoff.