Lots of people and organizations declare certain days, weeks, months, and years to be dedicated to a lot of things. For instance, Gold’s Gym apparently declared July ‘Cankles Awareness Month.’ Charming. But some of us aren’t going to let some random gym make us all panicky and over concerned about the state of our ankles.
In response, Imagine Today has declared August ‘Self-Esteem Awareness Month.’ This is a concept I can get behind. I’m absolutely in favor of all of us making a real effort to feel good about ourselves. When we like ourselves, we hold ourselves a little more confidently, we have more room to see the good in others, we become more comfortable in our own skins…we find more and better ways of sharing our superfantasticness with the world.
Oh yes, my friends, each and every one of you is superfantastic. Some of you sing, some of you dance, some of you write poetry, some of you tutor kids, some of you are wonderful cooks, some of you are great at sports, some of you have keen scientific minds, and some of you are good at counseling those in need of emotional support. All of these skills and dozens more make the world a better place to live in. The biggest stumbling block to happiness – or at least contentment – many of us face is the assumption that what we do and who we are is lacking in worth.
Add to normal human confusion the general miasma of disapproval that follows us due to the size labels in our clothes (or the color of our skin, outward signs of misunderstood religions we follow, obvious signs of physical challenge, etc.) and it’s easy to assume that we’re better off just shuffling ourselves under a rock to live out our days in hiding. We aren’t better off that way. We owe it to ourselves to live out loud, to share our talents and unique voices with the world.
The first exercise laid out for Self-Esteem Awareness Month struck me as particularly important for a lot of us. Yes, it’s yesterday’s exercise, but let’s give it a go:
August 1st – Lets start this all of with a simple exercise that has been suggested on this blog before; write a list of at least five things about yourself that you love and tuck that list away somewhere for the next time you’re feeling down. I tend to make a new list/add to an old one every week or so – its a really quick & easy self-esteem boost.
So here’s my list of the moment:
1: I love that I am an excellent cook. It feels good to feed people well, including myself.
2: I love that I can make people laugh easily.
3: I love that I have a quick wit in conversation. People may groan at the puns, but they’re rarely bored talking to me.
4: I love that I have a quirky and entirely personal sense of style, and that I have always been unafraid to follow it.
5: I love that cats and small children instinctively trust me.
So what about all of you? What do you love about you? Share it here, or tuck it away quietly in a drawer, but think about it today. You’ll be glad you did.
Always a good idea to do this once in awhile…
1. I love that I have sacrificed a potentially bigger paycheck to work in a job on policies that will help people be healthier. It helps me stay motivated to get out of bed in the morning.
2. I love that I have never been afraid to be smart around boys – and it is finally paying off with a wonderful guy.
3. I love my reputation for being able to find the cutest ballet flats. I think I have 10 pairs…
4. I love that I have always been so resilient
5. I love all the pieces of personality I have taken from members of my family, and the wonderful collage that has resulted!
Comment by jen209 — August 2, 2009 @ 11:07 am
This is a great idea – Twistie, your weekend posts are always so inspiring.
1. I love my hands, they’re my Mum’s & my Uncle’s hands, and I hope I do them proud by working them as hard as they have.
2. Now and then, just occasionally, I say the exact right thing at the exact right time. I love that.
3. I love how I’ve learned (and am still learning) how to listen to people, and that I’ve had the privilege of being people’s confidants.
4. I’m often a really good gift-giver, and I love hearing that someone has really enjoyed what I’ve made for them
5. I love that I have developed such a cool relationship with my wonderful parents
Comment by Margo — August 2, 2009 @ 12:36 pm
I just copied your number 1. Since we’ve cooked together, I think that’s appropriate. *G*
1: I love that I am an excellent cook. It feels good to feed people well, including myself.
2: I love that I kept my sense of humor even at my most depressed.
3: I love that I am responsive to touch.
4: I love that I am brave. It took courage to be out after dark the night after I was mugged. There are other things I can point to as well.
5: I love that I’ve been told I’m a good kisser. *G*
Comment by Fabrisse — August 2, 2009 @ 1:06 pm
I’m copying Margo’s #3. :)
1. I love that I am so happy-go-lucky and can use my sense of humour to get me through most anything.
2. I love that I have a real talent for being organized, which has resulted in flawless closets at home, flawless events at work, and an ability to keep it together and take care of things when a crisis hits.
3. I love how I’ve learned (and am still learning) how to listen to people, and that I’ve had the privilege of being people’s confidants, and that when asked for advice, am able to be objective and caring.
4. I love that I am not afraid to say “no” when being asked to take on more than I can reasonably handle, resulting in greater respect from people and less resentment and stress on my part.
5. I love that I subscribe to a “live-and-let-live” philosophy. If other people’s choices make them happy, and they’re not hurting anybody else, I refuse to make their choices my business, which has resulted in my being a much happier and open-minded person.
Comment by La Petite Acadiene — August 3, 2009 @ 12:23 pm
Wow, what a great idea for a theme-month!
1. I love that, when I put my mind to something, I can do pretty much anything (from enjoying running to going back to school).
2. I love my ability to quote random movies and books, even if no one else gets it.
3. I love the person I am becoming.
4. I love that I can cook.
5. I love my singing voice.
Comment by Jelly — August 4, 2009 @ 7:25 am