Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

August 24, 2009

Monday Hotness: Your Guy Edition #2

Filed under: The Monday Hotness — Miss Plumcake @ 3:00 pm

Welcome to the second and penultimate week of this year’s DIY Monday Hotness, wherein the hotness is provided by loyal readers. This week we’ve got an ecumenical group including some serious weapons-grade pouting, a pair of questionable socks and one heck of a bitchin’ safety vest. We’ve only got one more week left so if you want your man to be the Monday Hotness, you know where to send those photos! On with the show!

Ryan submitted by Elisa
First there’s Ryan, submitted by Elisa his INCREDIBLY VERBOSE devoted wife. Elisa wrote SEVEN HUNDRED WORDS on why her husband is The Greatest Evar, which I think we all know I didn’t read. Elisa, your husband’s prosh (and totally looks like my AP Biology teacher on whom I had an epic crush and then who called me my freshman year of college to tell me he was getting a divorce) but next time think Hemingway, not Joyce.

Jason submitted by Becca
Jason here gets this week’s coveted Plumcake Pick because he is, as you can see, a total goofball. I approve of goofballery in most forms, especially ones that involves the University of Texas “Hook ’em” sign. Granted, he might just be throwing devil horns which is kind of funny because it’s hard to be really aligned with the Prince of Darkness when you wear white athletic socks and cry at Father of The Bride, isn’t it, Becca?

Chuck submitted by Marieanne
Meet Chuck. Chuck is married to my old time internet pal Marieanne who I didn’t even know read this blog (hi!) this was taken on their wedding day and apparently the photographer told him to give his best “The Rock” impersonation and this photo –which cracks me the heck up– was the result. If there were tiny little spandex briefs involved I don’t want to know, but he’d get points for verisimilitude.

John submitted by Shawna
Isn’t John adorable? He just looks like a nice guy, the type of guy who owns a golden retriever and drinks Sam Adams and stand patiently outside the dressing room holding your purse with one hand and watching the game on his iPhone on the other. Nice safety vest, Shawna.

Greg with Dreads

Finally there’s Greg. Greg is a pal of mine although this photo was taken WAY before we knew each other and it kind of cracks me up because he might be the only person on this planet who is vainer than I am. Still, I love this whole Living Colour “Glamour Boys” look he’s got going on. Must be nice having one of the top stylists in Austin –the adorable-beyond-endurance Connie, owner of the Avant Salons and Spas– as your one and only.


  1. LOL – thanks Plumcake. Love you too ;)

    Comment by Elisa — August 24, 2009 @ 4:36 pm

  2. seven HUNDRED words!!!

    Comment by Plumcake — August 24, 2009 @ 4:59 pm

  3. Ha! Plumcake – he DOES occasionally hold my purse, though he’d be stuck on his Google Reader rather than watching the game – and he WOULD be on his iphone. And the vest is a life preserver – he’s on a boat.

    Comment by Shawna — August 24, 2009 @ 8:39 pm

  4. Damn! So much pretty!

    Can Chuck come do his Rock impression at me a dozen or so times a day, Marieanne? I’d totally pay you off in home-baked pies and cakes.

    Comment by Twistie — August 24, 2009 @ 10:22 pm

  5. Such handsome men, but I’m partial to mine (obviously.)

    Twistie darlin’, get in line! Plummy, hi! Hi hi hi!!!!!

    Comment by theDiva — August 25, 2009 @ 6:06 am

  6. Cute cute cute!!

    Comment by Lisa — August 26, 2009 @ 12:23 am

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