Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

September 10, 2009

Francesca’s New Stuff: Raincoats

Filed under: Cold Weather Coats and Cozies,Review Revue — Francesca @ 3:27 pm

Francesca does not remember what happened to her last raincoat. Did it get lost? Did she bring it to the dry cleaner in one country or another and forget about it? Was it stolen? She has no idea. But one cannot live the whole winter with just a wool coat (as gorgeous as it is) and a wool jacket (as handsome and utilitarian as it is). One needs a little something for warm, rainy days. Something like this:

Gallery Trapeze Coat is sort of like the one Francesca bought, and is available at Nordstrom in sizes 1x – 3x.

And this:

All-weather raincoat with removable lining by London Fog, available at Nordstrom in sizes 1x – 3x for $148, or for less than half that at physical Burlington Coat Factory stores, in the plus-size aisles.

Francesca is so happy.

1 Comment

  1. I love that trapeze coat.

    Comment by Lisa — September 11, 2009 @ 10:56 am

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