Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

September 22, 2009

A Little Housekeeping

Filed under: Suck it,Tech Stuff — Miss Plumcake @ 3:53 pm

So we’ve upgraded to the new edition of WordPress here at Big Girl Headquarters and y’all, it’s going to kill me. My attitude towards technology generally falls somewhere between “huh?” and “O IT IS A WITCH, BURN IT!”

I was the last person on earth to start texting and although I’ve grown to love it –I’m not a phone person– it filled me with fiery ire when people first started sending me message BECAUSE I HAVE A PHONE RIGHT HERE SO JUST &*^% CALL ME OKAY so please be patient while I figure out how this newfangled wizardry works.

Also: I’m going to be on vacation from October 8th to the 22nd. During that time I will not be available. Instead I will be here:

a little beach house on an isolated dune in an undisclosed location on the Atlantic coast where my activities will include lolling around in my underpants, listening to my shiny new J.S. Bach: Complete Works for Organ boxed set and trying to get away from all the damnable people who so liberally coat the pork chops of my life with the crushed cornflakes of their lunacy.

I also fully plan on deleting what I’m sure will be no fewer than the 2000 emails most of them from deposed Nigerian princes, so if you’ve got a question, comment or whatevs,  email me now or hold your peace until Halloween because there’s no WAY I’m wading through that garbage just so I can get the one email asking me for a pair of wide-calf boots made from the eyelashes of baby ocelots for under twenty dollars.

I’ll do my best to post our regular features in advance so you really shouldn’t notice a disturbance in the force as far as content goes, but you might notice a slight wonkyness with the comments. Don’t worry, all shall be resolved when I return.

Gin and Tonics,



  1. Oh Plumcake, you really DO need a vacation! Are you sure you can’t leave now. Honestly I fear for innocent bystanders.

    BTW “eyelashes of baby ocelots” made my pepsi come out my nose :-) Have a wonderful, relaxing, don’t give a s**t about anything vacation.

    Comment by gemdiva — September 22, 2009 @ 4:28 pm

  2. ohhh have fun and gin!

    Comment by marjorie — September 22, 2009 @ 4:34 pm

  3. Plumcake I love the way you write, you have a great way with words. It’s like your writing what I’m thinking but, you know, a whole lot better!

    Have a great holiday!

    Comment by Ragster — September 22, 2009 @ 5:46 pm

  4. Gemdiva, is it that obvious? I haven’t had a non-death or cancer related vacation in close to five years and I’m a woman on the verge. I’m not even telling Andre where I’m going. I wouldn’t mind if he came down for a weekend, but like Miss Garbo before me, I just vant to be left alone.

    Marjorie, it’s getting to be Scotch weather, so I think I’ll leave the Hendricks alone and travel with just a nice, seaweedy Islay malt like Laphroiag. A perfect fit for nights on the ocean.

    Ragster, aren’t you the sweetest thing? I’ve just checked out your site and you’ve got some good stuff going! I look forward to browsing it more in depth.

    Comment by Plumcake — September 22, 2009 @ 6:26 pm

  5. Have a lovely vacation! I’m willing to bet I know the location of lolling-to-be, but I’ll keep shushed for you; you’re welcome!!

    I love the sign off. I might steal it. Is that okay? I promise to credit you.

    I’ve never heard of anyone listening to J.S. Bach organ works extensively on vacation. What other music are you bringing? Inquiring minds of recovering music dorks want to know!

    Comment by Melissa — September 22, 2009 @ 7:19 pm

  6. Oh my darling Plummy, you are not the last person in the world to start texting. Mr. Twistie doesn’t text, and I don’t (GASP!) even own a cell phone. So there are at least two of us (three if you count my brother the medieval historian) who have never even once texted anybody about anything.

    Go. Relax. Have a blast. Hell, have two. You’ve earned it.

    BTW, in re: Laphroig, my mother had a friend who described the scent of it as a combination of seaweed and dead bodies. Mom agreed, but she wasn’t averse to a nip of it now and again.

    Comment by Twistie — September 22, 2009 @ 7:57 pm

  7. Melissa, it’s not that hard to figure out, but if I say it then people will start pestering me about doing a Face to Face, and as much as I love doing them, it’s not happening this year.

    As far as the organ music goes, it’s sort of reverse aversion therapy. I used to love organ music when I was quite young, then I hated it for personal reasons in college (where I also formed the opinion that All Organists Are Trouble) and then I met an Organist who proved me wrong, so I loved it again. THEN he proved me right so I hated it again. SO in an effort to dis-associate the music from the man I’m going to listen to nothing but Bach’s organ works while I’m on vacation so I’ll associate it with happiness and relaxation instead of well, other things.

    Comment by Plumcake — September 23, 2009 @ 11:28 am

  8. All Organists ARE Trouble–good call on that. I like the idea of aversion therapy, though; Bach deserves appreciation.

    Have a DIVINE vacation, and oh, I am so envious! Be very, very good to yourself, and don’t let anyone take a moment of it away from you.

    Comment by Ruby — September 23, 2009 @ 6:16 pm

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