Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

December 9, 2009

RIP As the World Turns

Filed under: Uncategorized — Francesca @ 12:34 pm
ATWT Cast Photo 1965

ATWT Cast Photo 1965

CBS is cancelling As the World Turns.

Francesca herself grew up on The Young and the Restless (hi Tracey! Hi Lauren! Hi Brad! Sheila lives!) so she knows how much a soap might mean to some of you.

Consider the comments section an open thread to talk about your favorite ATWT memories. Francesca will have no idea what you are talking about, but here at MftBG we are all about closure.


  1. I’m afraid I know nothing about the characters or plots on this soap, but I do remember watching it with my Grandpa back in the day. He used to come home for lunch so he could watch his “stories”. At first blush, he could come off as kind of gruff or crotchety, but I always thought this was evidence of his basic inner sweetness and sentimentality.

    Comment by Miss Dove — December 9, 2009 @ 1:35 pm

  2. This was my favorite soap ever!!! I don’t know what’s happening to TV. They killed off Guiding Light, too, the bastards.

    Comment by Lisa — December 9, 2009 @ 1:54 pm

  3. This is truly embarrassing, but I’m in a safe space, right? I signed up to LiveJournal because of ATWT: not that I watched it, I was all about the Nuke clips on YouTube.

    Comment by Margo — December 9, 2009 @ 6:50 pm

  4. Any moment involving Lucinda, who was my favorite! My grandmother watched it. In my family we used to say that it was worth your life to call her during ATWT. That was years before I started watching it.

    Comment by maryb — December 9, 2009 @ 10:58 pm

  5. Hi! I know how sad it is to see a favorite soap or TV series ends. I have cried or teared up countless times when my favorite anime shows ended.


    Comment by All Women Stalker — December 10, 2009 @ 6:37 am

  6. I openly admit that I’ve never watched As the World Turns, but there’s a lot of respect for a show that can keep going for 54 years and still retain 7 of the original characters(and most of their original actresses).

    This is another nail in the coffin for daytime soaps, and it’s really sad. The genre never recovered from being pre-empted in 1995 for the Trial That Shall Not Be Named for 10 months, and according to Wikipedia, there was a huge drop in ratings before that anyway. Everyone’s ratings have been on a downward spiral, but ATWT has about 1/3 of the viewers it did 15 years ago.

    As long as no one touches Y&R, or anything on ABC, I’m fine. Although, getting rid of Days of Our Lives is kicking the dog a bit since it’s the last soap standing on NBC.

    Comment by ChloeMireille — December 10, 2009 @ 10:34 am

  7. That cast picture? Is from just a year or two before I started watching ATWT with my mother. I remember so many things. For one thing, I remember that Meg Ryan was the Worst. Betsy. Ever. I remember the big writer’s strike in the eighties wherein Nancy Hughes went into the kitchen to bake a cake and didn’t emerge for something like six years while Jeff and Annie and their infant quadruplets(!) fell off the face of the earth and were never mentioned again.

    I also remember one day in high school when my English teacher showed a short made-for-the-classroom film on the Salem witch trails to give us some background for our studies of The Crucible and my fit of giggles when I saw that Rev. George Burroughs (whose gibbit-side recitation of the Lord’s Prayer just before he was hanged as a witch was a major turning point in the proceedings) was played by the dastardly John from ATWT.

    I hadn’t watched in years, mostly because the main reason I watched was to have another source of gossip with my mother who, sadly, died in 1990. Still, I’ll raise a mug of good java to a soapie that held my interest for well over twenty years. Every now and again I wonder what the Stewarts and the Hugheses and all the others are up to. It’s sad to think they won’t have any more adventures.

    Comment by Twistie — December 10, 2009 @ 12:30 pm

  8. Twistie- I saw that same film with John Dixon. I thought I was making it up!

    I started watching ATWT and Guiding Light in 5th grade and watched regularly until I got my first office job. I taped the show every day to watch after school until college and then I scheduled my classes so I could watch on Tuesday and Thursday. I haven’t watched regularly since about 1995, but I started watching again for Luke and Noah. What I especially loved about ATWT, was even as the stories were soap opera outrageous, the people were a real mix of classes from Lucinda and Lily who were very wealthy, to the Snyders who had to worry about money with the Hughes in between.

    Comment by sophiabrooks — December 10, 2009 @ 12:44 pm

  9. No kidding – Truly – My first memory of ANY KIND in my life is seeing some big fire on ATWT, with people running and screaming and burning. My mom watched all the CBS soaps, so I was a CBS girl in utero. That scary scary imagery on the TV screen has stayed with me from my babyhood.

    I LOVED (original) Dusty, of the black hair and blue blue husky eyes, and Franny, played by Juliana Moore (as well as her darker-haired, bespectacled twin, whose name I don’t remember).

    Comment by Beth — December 11, 2009 @ 2:44 pm

  10. My sympathy to the folks losing a favorite soap. The one that shaped my formative years went off long ago, but it affects me to this day – I grew up on Dark Shadows. My folks, Maude bless ’em, were very supportive of my addiction. I was traumatized when it went off the air. And Ben Cross was a DREADFUL would-be Barnabas!

    Comment by La BellaDonna — December 14, 2009 @ 2:19 pm

  11. A few summers ago, I watched ATWT almost religiously…it was the first and only soap opera i’ve ever gotten into. I was about 16 or 17 at the time, and I thought Maddie and Casey were the cutest couple ever…and I thought the entire ‘slasher’ storyline was fantastic…

    I haven’t watched it regularly in years, but every once in a while they play in one of the student centers on my campus, and I can’t help but enjoy it for a little while. RIP.

    Comment by Chelsea — December 22, 2009 @ 3:37 pm

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