Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

December 9, 2009

The Week (Month? Year?) in Fat Blogging

Filed under: This Week In Fat Blogging — Francesca @ 10:20 am

Francesca has not done one of these in ages!

Reading that may entertain, provoke thought, or educate:

Shapely Prose (aka Kate Harding and Co.) has added some great bloggers in the past several months and is worth reading on a regular basis. Note:  lately they have been blogging about issues beyond fatness and looking at other qualities which make people “othered” in our society.

Big Fat Deal asks Do You Wear Horizontal Stripes? and Are Fat Jokes Unacceptable?

Fat Waitress blogs about the brouhaha caused by the photo allegedly of a fat passenger on an American Airlines flight, which has made its way around the internets. Also about the (now cancelled) requirement at Lincoln University requiring over-30-BMI students to lose weight or take a fitness class to graduate.

Two Zaftig Chicks looked incredible on Friday night (Francesca says: Get Sylvia’s dress (pictured) here!) and want to be famous.

Obesity Time Bomb muses about exposed fat bellies in advertising.

Fat Lot of Good (attitude in a 3XL!) asks why it’s OK for Weight Watchers to say something, but when Kate Moss says the same thing there is an uproar and asks that we support a new documentary film about fat women.


  1. 1. That dress is stunning. 2. Anyone in LDN keen to go see Obesity Time Bomb’s Charlotte Cooper, who is rad, perform, come along to My Mouth Your Ear this Sunday in glamorous Camberwell.
    (I hope you don’t mind me pimping this out, I know some people who are organising it).

    Comment by Margo — December 9, 2009 @ 6:31 pm

  2. That lace dress is so beautiful. How come I can never get something to fit me that well?

    I like it when do something like this (a list of interesting things on the fat-o-sphere). I’m new to this community and so this helps.


    Comment by All Women Stalker — December 10, 2009 @ 6:40 am

  3. I love that dress! I tried on something similar at Ann Taylor Loft a few years ago, but it wouldn’t zip past my rib cage.

    Comment by Alison — December 10, 2009 @ 3:53 pm

  4. I got that dress! It came in the mail today! It looks better on me than any other dress I’ve ever worn, with the exception of my (third) custom-made, custom-designed wedding gown. I can’t wait to wear it! Squee!!!!!

    Comment by theDiva — December 14, 2009 @ 8:48 pm

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