Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 19, 2010

Yes, No, Maybe: Torrid

Filed under: Sales,Yes. No. Maybe. — Francesca @ 1:13 pm

As Francesca noted this morning, Torrid  has the following deals “for a limited time”:  1) Online and in-store, an additional 50% off clearance items(already included in listed price).   2) Free shipping online for orders of $75 or more – no code necessary.   3) Online: vote for your favorite jeans, and receive a code for $15 off purchases of $75 or more.  4) In stores: Try on any pair of jeans, get $15 off any purchase of $75 or more – see cashier for details.

Now, Francesca sees torrid primarily as a fun source of plus-size clothing for the teenage girl. This is partly because Torrid is heavily into t-shirts with all sorts of words and pictures on their fronts, and though Francesca does not think anyone, of any age, should ever, ever wear shapeless cotton t-shirts with words or loud prints in public – except, she will allow, to the gym class – she recognizes that 16-year-olds can get away with a certain level of forced grunginess which does not wear well on anyone over the age of 18.

It is also because Torrid sells adorable items with Hello Kitty on them. There are three kinds of people who can wear Hello Kitty: 1) Earnest little girls 2)  Teenage girls of goth irony and 3) women over the age of 50 who have a certain artistic flair, colorful glasses, and boundless energy.

And here we come to the crux of Francesca’s post today: With the right attitude and a good eye, women of many ages can create outfits out of Torrid offerings. If you are out of the high school, you simply must be able to overlook the Twilight tshirts and fallen-Catholic-schoolgirl plaid miniskirts with black mesh trimmings. For example:


Torrid Cherry cropped cardiganThis Cherry Cropped Cardigan is perfect for the spring office outfit, with black dress pants or a red or white skirt. Soften the sweet factor with bold accessories like an oversize red purse, or maximize the spring atmosphere with pearl earrings and white sandals.

Torrid tweedThis Tweed Cropped Jacket with ribbon trim(and a removable pin),  is a good choice for the office. Francesca could do without the ribbon trim, but it is not bad, and with this jacket on double-clearance for under $20, it is a good choice for the young woman who is building up her work-appropriate wardrobe.

Torrid eyelet skirtThis Black Poplin Laser-Cut Eyelet Skirt can be made more conservative for work with black stockings and pumps and a matte black blouse, or given a bit of sex-kitten appeal with a pink cashmere cardigan. Or wear bare-legged with sandals and a sleeveless top for Sunday brunch with the girlfriends. It is on double-clearance right now for under $12.


Torrid red teeThere are times and places for cleavage, and perhaps — if one stretches the imagination — a time and place for a red cotton t-shirt with blue roses painted on it. But Francesca cannot think of any time or place where both those things are appropriate.


Torrid swing coatHere we have the Faux Leopard Swing Coat(on double clearance) which is not for the timid. Who should NOT wear this: teenage girls; women who think this will make them look classy. Who SHOULD wear this: tall women with enormous confidence and flair, who are fierce and fun, who love attracting attention but are not b*tchy to others. (If you are not nice to others, Francesca does not care how you dress; you have bigger problems.)


So, browse carefully and have fun. xoxo


  1. Torrid is so hit or miss for me. I don’t like the cut or quality of most of their clothes. Plus, I really don’t see much that’s for day to day wear. It’s mostly for weekend or party wear…very casual.

    I’ve been more impressed with the Forever 21 line (Faith 21).

    Comment by Jem — January 19, 2010 @ 1:58 pm

  2. The model doesn’t look too sure about that red t-shirt with blue roses, either. With good reason.

    Comment by Wendy — January 19, 2010 @ 2:22 pm

  3. I’m 25 and work in an office setting, so wear professional clothes most of the time. I agree that Torrid has some great things, and some horrible things. I have that black poplin cut out skirt, and quite enjoy it. It is a tad shorter a tad straighter than I normally wear, but it works. Most recently I wore it with a solid black top & blazer, black knee-high boots, red tights (which just peaked out from in between skirt and boot) and a red statement necklace. I think it worked pretty well, and is the only way I have ever thought of to wear those red tights to work.

    Comment by jen209 — January 19, 2010 @ 2:32 pm

  4. I’m a woman of a certain age (read: over 40), and I love to shop at Torrid. I’ve found several of my “go to” pieces there, like a short sleeved black jacket that always gets compliments. I just don’t style the clothing like they do – how you wear something is as important as what it is.

    But yes, one must shop there with a critical eye to quality and cut, and be ready to say “no” a lot after looking in the mirror. But then again, I shop like that everywhere.

    Comment by TropicalChrome — January 19, 2010 @ 3:53 pm

  5. LOVE the leopard coat. Worn with dark jeans and a heeled boot — Fabulous!

    Comment by Orora — January 19, 2010 @ 4:57 pm

  6. The red shirt reminds me of midwest college towns on the weekend. You know, the kind of place where people wear their “good jeans” to a wedding.

    Comment by hickchick — January 19, 2010 @ 10:36 pm

  7. ‘3) women over the age of 50 who have a certain artistic flair, colorful glasses, and boundless energy.’
    But you forgot ‘and still go by Kitty, Honey, Bunny, or Joannie.’

    Comment by jojo.k — January 21, 2010 @ 7:52 pm

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