Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

March 22, 2010

Port Out, Starboard Home

Filed under: Fashion,Sales,Uncategorized — Miss Plumcake @ 12:31 pm

If you have never known the joys of open water sailing, I cannot begin to describe it. I don’t mean putting around on a speedboat. Motorboats are all well and good, but when it’s just you and the wind and a whistlefast ship and you’re keeling so hard  you’ve got water slapping the hatch…it’s the closest I ever expect to come to flying in this life.

One of the things that feels so fresh about the nautical-inspired look right now is it’s smart but not tight.

Listen, no one loves a curve-accentuating garment more than your pal Plummy, but I’m just tired of being the same nipped-waist silhouette.

The seafarer look is a chic way to get clothes that fit away from the  body without being schlubby AND once we get over the horizontal stripes bugaboo,  it becomes startlingly easy to put together visually balanced outfits for apples, pears and all you other fruits.

The key is to anchor (see what I did there?) your look with the right pant. A good wide leg trouser is essential. Or crops with a statement shoe.  Tight pants would be death to this look, particularly on a big girl. Linen is an especially nice choice and looks even better when rumpled.


Striped blazer

dp navy linen pants

Navy linen trouser

nautical deep v cardi

Navy piped cardigan

button shoulder tunic

Button shoulder tunic

boxy cardi

Boxy cardi

cargo crops

Poplin crops

dark striped long top

Bateau Breton tunic

navy striped tee

White and navy striped tee

boxy jumper

Boxy jumper (that’s sweater, y’all)

white wide leg trouser

Wide leg trouser


  1. I’ll trot out my standard joke:

    I thought “Nautical wear” consisted of a pair of gumboots or seaboots and a slicker.


    Comment by Geogrrl — March 22, 2010 @ 2:32 pm

  2. Oh Plumy, I have always adored the crisp, clean freshness of the nautical look. And I have the most perfect pair of Italian oxfords in navy and white to go with those wide legged trousers.

    On another post – months ago you gave us the beautiful runway shots where the fabric looked like painted delft china. I found a stunning little (ok, not so little as my ass is vast, but whatever) skirt this past weekend (fine-ah-lee) that is completely that look. I’m wild for it. Wild I tell you.

    Comment by Melissa — March 22, 2010 @ 8:07 pm

  3. Fabulous look – clean and oh-so-chic. Also, love the boat neckline. I’ve found it to be ever so flattering for those of us with large flotation devices, so long as they are properly hoisted and rigged. Erm… I think I have overdone the nautical metaphor. At any rate, a great way to show some collar bone without cleavage.

    Comment by mywhimsey — March 23, 2010 @ 11:30 am

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