Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

March 27, 2010

Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Frightening Fendi Edition: The Result

Filed under: Twistie's Sunday Caption Madness — Twistie @ 10:39 am

Good morning, campers!

You may remember that last sunday I presented you all with the challenge of captioning this moderately disturbing image:

fendi-huge-bearbrick and you guys came back swinging with nine deranged captions to fit it.

Alas, there can be but one winner. This week the laurel goes to Heather for combining a beloved childhood pet (or seventeen, since they generally don’t last long) with classical mythology with this one:

Hamsters have lived caged far too long, and have planned their escape via Trojan Hamster robot!

Congratulations, Heather! And thanks to everyone who played.

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