Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

May 27, 2010

A Change Will Do You Good (also a coupon code. also, also, Linda Dano)

Filed under: Advanced Fashion,Sales,Shoes — Miss Plumcake @ 10:38 am

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I have violet hair.

I went to my stylist asking for my Superman blue streaks to be touched up and she’d already bleached out my new growth before she realized she was out my my special blue dye, so violet is the next best thing. It looks fine.

It’s not what I wanted but getting all het up over hair woes isn’t really my deal.

I mean sure there was the unfortunate Dano Débâcle of 2009 where this supposed hair genius who is Very Important and Famous and Exclusive pretty much turned me into Ms Linda Dano circa 1989, but other than that, it’s hair.  The execution was flawless so even though it wasn’t what I wanted, it’s been a nice change.

(oh man, you MUST watch this! It’s a clip from “Attitudes” her daytime talk show, it’s like Brittany from Glee had a talk show and Nagel make-up)

Anyway, the violet crown incident has made me think of ruts and how it’s important to tweak our looks from time to time. I’m not talking about total Madonna reinvention but a little nip here and there is good for the soul, lest one become a cartoon of oneself *COUGHLIZAMINNELLICOUGH*

I tend to err on the side of feminine classic in the Dior style.  For example, today I’m wearing this dress by Evan Picone, and it’s fabulous.

Evan Picone

For some reason they stopped selling this above a 16 online at Macy’s, but I’m fairly sure they still exist in true plus sizes in stores, although I bought mine a few years ago. Still if you like this dress and CAN get it, do. This is a Holy Grail Dress for pears.

But woman cannot live by one silhouette alone, tempting though it might be. That’s one of the differences between personal style and big ole rutting rut.

(coupon after the jump)

For a gal who is used to wearing waist-nipping numbers, maybe pair some wide leg or sailor-cut trousers with this
Black Cutout-Back Vest
-Tunic.aspx?PfId=192370&DeptId=21575&ProductTypeId=1″>tonal gray top or loosely belted linen-blend tunic and some fab, graphic jewelry.

grey toplinen blend

You really would want to avoid a bootcut or flare trouser for this look and opt for something with a wide leg. I love a bootcut too but this look is all about looong and straight and clean, so anything that clings will kill the look.

I’m also intrigued by this jumper (in moss and black), which is a phrase I never thought I’d use. Obviously this is either for the under 30 set or the decidedly fashion-forward but there’s something about it that makes me want to wear it over a loose ballet pink sequined t-shirt or a rock concert tee and a devastatingly chic modern sandal like these from Camilla Skovgaard (although a thicker heel would probably be better for everyone concerned) to keep it from looking too riot grrl redux:

combat dressCamilla Skovgaard sandals

What you DON’T want to do is wear combat boots or anything that can be described as “stompy” which is a word guaranteed to take me from zero to crazypants in 2.8 seconds when applied to fashion.

Both tops and the dress are available from One Stop Plus Memorial Day sale, which has items up to 60% off. Plus if you use the coupon code OSPMEMORIAL you’ll get an additional 20% off your entire order.

The shoes, from Saks Fifth Avenue aren’t on sale, but at least they ship for free using MAYSHIP.


  1. So I have done three tweaks this season:

    1. Gave myself a hair facelift for my birthday. My hair is thick and curly (think Mini Driver and you’re close). I had been a redhead for a while and it was getting long (not Amish long, but pretty long) so I chopped it to just below my shoulders and turned into a brunette. Pretty big change and very nice.

    2. Major undies purge. Went through and got rid of anything with a hole or that was just droopy or stretched or yuck. Mended a few favorite bras and hit the Cacique clearance bins. Tada! All my undies are nice undies now. Much betta!

    3. Trying to incorporate some more tailored pieces in the wardrobe. I tend to the floaty/hippie chick/surfer girl aesthetic (hey, I live in SoCal!), but was blown away by all the compliments on a very tailored shirtdress that I bought on a whim. So I’m trying in small doses and it’s fun!

    Comment by Eilish — May 27, 2010 @ 11:35 am

  2. How am I supposed to do my day’s writing with these shoes on my mind now? HMMMM? Darn you.

    Comment by Lisa — May 27, 2010 @ 1:00 pm

  3. >I tend to err on the side of feminine classic in the Dior style.

    Man, do I know what you mean. It’s like a classic Dior-style HUBRIS or something. Plagues me.

    Comment by Barthway — May 27, 2010 @ 6:27 pm

  4. Getting out of a rut is always a good thing. I’ve tended to be fairly conservative and classic in my accessories, but have decided to branch out a bit.

    So today, with my jeans and black polo shirt, I am wearing electric-blue, studded-back, faux-suede kitten heels.

    Classic? Nope. Refreshing? You bet!

    Comment by La Petite Acadienne — May 28, 2010 @ 3:03 pm

  5. Oh, here’s the link:

    Comment by La Petite Acadienne — May 28, 2010 @ 3:04 pm

  6. I want that blue dress, and they have it in my size. It costs about a hundred bucks, though, and I am a poor girl. So Plumcake, is this one of those dresses that will work for me for years? I am a short pear (5′ 3″ – is this a dress that works better for the tall?), and have been looking for AGES for an A-line-ish dress that I can wear when it is cold outside (I have lots o’ sundresses).

    Basically, I want someone to encourage me to buy the dress. Anyone, anyone?

    Comment by Jennifer — May 28, 2010 @ 9:16 pm

  7. @Jennifer, I have probably worn either the black or the blue iteration of this dress once a week for the past two and a half years, and when I go on weekend trips it’s always the first dress in my bag. You NEED this dress.

    Comment by Plumcake — May 28, 2010 @ 10:23 pm

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