Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

July 3, 2010

What’s Up Around the Fat-O-Sphere

Filed under: This Week In Fat Blogging — Twistie @ 9:15 am

It’s time to catch up with what folks in the Fat-o-sphere have been up to.

Golda Poretsky of Body Love Wellness has an eye-opening three part interview with former Biggest Loser finalist Kai Hibbard. Kai talks frankly about the pre weigh in dehydration, trainers overruling doctor’s advice, the emotional abuse, the eating disorder she developed, and the edits designed to make the contestants look lazy. It’s the dirty secret nobody else connected with the show will talk about. Part one is here. Part two, here. And part three here.

Marianne of The Rotund explains clearly once more that FA is for everyone, no matter what size, physical shape, color, or preferred eating habits.

Michelle of the Fat Nutritionist is back and posting! Be sure to check out her highly entertaining discussion of awful quotes from old diet books.


  1. Twistie, thank you so much for the links to Golda’s site. I argue with my sister all the time about this show that feels it’s ok to vilify the fat and tell everyone that their lives would be better if only they were thin. I linked to Golda’s articles on Facebook.

    Comment by Melissa — July 4, 2010 @ 7:40 pm

  2. Golda’s interviews where such an eye opened. I never liked the show to begin with, but I never thought contestants were treated that bad behind the cameras! Definitely sharing this with friends and family, it’s totally appalling! I seriously do not know how any of them endured it!

    Comment by Sarah — July 7, 2010 @ 4:57 pm

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