Hey gang, I’ve received startlingly few submissions for the DIY Monday Hotness which starts NEXT WEEK. I got a whole MESS of ’em last year so I know you’ve got the hotness out there. Spread it around!
Remember the rules:
He must be over 18
The image must be at least 450 pixels wide
He needs to be the only person in the photo
He must agree to having his picture up here
He must have his Martha and BOTH the Vandellas covered up.
We take the broad view of hotness, so any size, shape, color, age or orientation is aces. If you think he brings the hotness, we want to see.
And, as usual, Miss Plumcake will be showcasing some of her favorite personal hotnesses. Stay tuned!
(I’m sorry. I felt an irresistible urge to say it.)
Comment by Chicklet — July 26, 2010 @ 11:09 am
I guess that means I’m really stylin’ then. Who’da thunk it?
Comment by Omnibus Driver — July 26, 2010 @ 5:25 pm
Something weird going on with your coding. When you hit the comment count on the boots post, you get the boots and your man hotness posts smashed together, and one is unable to comment on the boots half of the whole frankenpost.
Anyhow. What I wanted to say wrt boots, even though I am a Yankee, is that should you happen to find yourself in the North while wearing your boots and it’s slushy out, you should wipe your boots down with vinegar. Because while snow is fine, slush is made of snow plus salt, and that shit will eat right through your boots.
Comment by zuzu — July 26, 2010 @ 7:31 pm
OK, Plummy, you had better not be counting Californians in with Yankies here. We have just as much claim to cowboys and ranches as you do and I have the 15-year-old Justin lace up Ropers to prove it. ;)
Comment by Beth C. — July 26, 2010 @ 8:10 pm