It’s been a long week at Casa Twistie.
Last saturday evening, I was doing laundry, which I am compelled to do since I entirely fail to have any muscle-y hunky guys around to do menial tasks of that nature for me, sigh. And I would feed them so very well.
Anyway, the washer is a huge top-loader. I washed some socks. One of said socks decided to hide from me in the rear at the bottom of the load. And as I stretched my vertically-challenged self to reach it, I felt as though someone had undone a string in my back. This was followed a minute or two later by a searing pain.
Guess who managed to pull a muscle badly in a bizarre laundry incident!
It’s been a long week, as I said. I can’t bend far. I can’t lift stuff. I never realized how low one of the sinks in my house was until I could no longer reach it to wash my hands. I never stop to think about all the stairs up to the second floor where the bedroom is, but I’ve been painfully aware of every single one this week.
And then there’s the cat. He’s fast, and he darts. And he loves to be picked up. I think he thinks I don’t love him anymore. He’s certainly been bringing me more than the average number of catnip mousies as offerings to a beloved and feared god-like-figure. I am the goddess of thumbs, keeper of the cat food, you know.
My back is recovering now, and I am beyond grateful.
And so I wish to pay homage to my back. It is a wonderfully useful item. It supports my whole upper body, allows me to turn and twist, bends to allow me to reach socks in the laundry and stretches so I can get at the pots I keep above the stove. It helps me hold my squirmy cat in my arms – even up the stairs (What? He loves getting rides, and I love spoiling my kitty as he deserves).
Sometimes you just have to appreciate your body parts. They do so much and ask so little in return.
Thanks, back. I love you.
Now please stop hurting.
I think the number of ‘turn your head and cough’ back injuries vastly outnumbers the ‘fell down an elevator shaft’ sorts. My husband flipped out his back while trying to retrieve a saucepan from the back of the bottom shelf of a cupboard. I had to literally drag him out feet first from that one and he stayed flat on his back for hours on the kitchen floor with one of those hard blue frozen thingies between his back and the floor. I blew out a bulge on one of my discs literally trying to put on my jammies (don’t ask). I could not walk, was in exquisite pain and had no sensation between my hips and my toes on my right hand side..except for the amazing feeling of someone running a blow torch over my big toe. The best thing I ever did to deal with that was, once I relearned how to put one foot in front of another, I signed up for ballroom dance lessons. Back pain is awful.
Comment by Toby Wollin — October 9, 2010 @ 5:06 pm
@Toby Wollin: Okay, putting on jammies definitely outdoes reaching for a sock at the back of the washer! LOL!
Probably no ballroom dancing for me (weak knees and a fear of sequins), but I can’t wait to get back to my regular walks and a bit of helping Mr. Twistie haul gear at gigs.
Comment by Twistie — October 9, 2010 @ 6:12 pm
Get that back better soon! Kitty needs lovin! Sorry you hurt. Back pain sux.
Comment by Jennie — October 9, 2010 @ 11:01 pm
Get well soon. I’ve had the slipped disc experience and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, okay maybe a few, but not you. Keep moving because it helps although it may seem too painful at first. Did you have a physiotherapist suggest back strengthening exercises – you should follow those. And see a chiropractor, it helped me much more than painkillers.
Comment by retna — October 10, 2010 @ 8:52 am
Oh , I so know how you feel . I have back problems anyway from something that happened to me when I was 12 , but I have pulled muscle b4 as well and I tell ya , that is something painful for sure ! Not to mention that it makes you completely handicapped . I pulled a muscle in my back a couple of years ago while vacuuming under the coffee table ! Thats it , thats all I was doing ! lol . I told ppl I wiped out while surfing ;) lol . I have kids to , so any time Im in a good amount of pain , my life becomes very interesting . I SO hope you feel better soon ! And Im sure your cat will forgive you , well , unless he’s like mine , who holds a grudge for 2 weeks at the time . She’s a bit of a diva . Get well soon !
Comment by Dawn — October 10, 2010 @ 1:22 pm
Oh la la, Ms. Twistie! Feel completely better soon!
Comment by The Accidental Tangoiste — October 10, 2010 @ 1:26 pm
I twisted my knee last summer while SLEEPING. What was I doing in my sleep? I do not know. but I do know that I really hated explaining that I hurt it in my sleep and not while doing something awesome like saving kittens from a burning building.
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Comment by EmilyQQ — October 10, 2010 @ 11:37 pm
@Retna: No medical insurance, and I’m not sure what a chiropractor could do for a pulled muscle, anyway. I started with alternating cold and heat along with a good lie down. Now that I’ve had some time to recover a bit, I’m trying to move a little more every day. I expect to be back to normal (well, for me, anyway) in a few more days, give or take.
@Dawn: LOL! You know, Mr. Twistie never admits to having gout attacks to strangers anymore. Now he says he came down wrong jumping his Harley over a line of cars. That shuts people right up.
@Gryph: Dayum, lady! See Dawn’s comment for tips on coming up with a great cover story. Never admit to this again.
@Everyone: Thanks for the good thoughts. I’m getting much, much better and your solidarity and support is helping more than I can say.
Comment by Twistie — October 11, 2010 @ 4:21 pm
Feel better soon!
Comment by wildflower — October 11, 2010 @ 6:36 pm
I feel your pain, I have totally been there before. Back pain is awful, take it easy!
Comment by Plus Size Dorita — October 14, 2010 @ 12:01 pm