Dear Young Big Girl,
I’ve got to be honest. You all kind of scare me.
When I think of my core audience of this blog, I mostly think of…me. Expanding it a bit I think of women in general, mostly between 25-45 of varying shapes and sizes. I think of gay men and the handful of stalkers that follow anyone who spends enough time talking about their life on the internet.
I don’t generally think of the teenage girls. I know you’re out there, but I just can’t get my head around it. See, when I went to high school in the mid ’90’s, the internet was like, four days old. Only total geeks had email addresses and no one could possibly conceive of ever needing more than eight megs of memory. We didn’t text or sext because no one had cell phones. It was dark times.
Yet over and over again I’m reminded via email and comments that there are a bunch of you young folk around, and since I’ve ignored for the past, oh, three years, this week will be dedicated to you.
Each day we’ll feature a lesson or bit of advice I learned or wish I’d learned as a young person. For those of my readers who remember when MTV had actual music videos and only Blondie had rap songs, I invite you to tune in, too. Add your comments, thoughts, and suggestions.
Gin and Tonics (but not until you’re 21),
Auntie Plumcake