Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

October 16, 2010

Random Bits of This and That

Darlings, I have spent the last couple of weeks recovering from my painful and painfully embarrassing back injury (I’m feeling much better now, BTW, and thanks to everyone for the good wishes), and it’s resulted in an oddly random approach to things. I’ve spent a lot of time lying on the couch or in my bed listening to my own brain and it’s… scattered.

I’ve decided to go with it and provide you with some links and random thoughts about stuff and leave you to sort through it all as best you can.

First off, check out this brilliant and awesome Riot Nrrd comic. And always remember what they say about assumptions.

Big Fat Blog has some interesting thoughts on weight loss maintenance, including links to a blog that supports weight loss, but is completely honest about the toll it can take.

If you read Letters to a Young Fat Girl: Lesson the First, and are looking for more support, go check out this touching post at The Rotund. Remember: it does get better, and you are not alone. And if you catch someone bullying someone else, DO SOMETHING. That last bit is from me.

I’ve been thinking about Halloween. I love Halloween. I love costumes and I love candy and I love the campy end of spooky stuff, and I even love The Monster Mash. My Halloween will probably consist mostly of handing out candy while watching a Hitchcock film. What about all of you?

And speaking of holidays, my thoughts have also included Thanksgiving. In fact I spent some of my time laid up poring over my lightest (in terms of their physical weight, not in terms of diet foods) cookbooks and plotting my ultimate Thanksgiving meal. Lo and behold, as I was doing this, the phone rang and Mr. Twistie and I were invited to spend the holiday with some good friends and their rottweilers.

We’re going. We’re going to have a great time. But it does bring up something about me: until quite recently I was terribly phobic about dogs. Any dogs. From teacup poodles to great danes, they freaked the sewage straight out of me. Then one day about five years ago, I decided I was going to get over this crippling phobia. I had no money for therapy, so I girded up my loins and started doing my best to interact with dogs one on one on my own.

It’s taken a long time and a lot of effort, but now I can talk merrily about visiting with rotts. In fact, one of them loves to sit on my lap. My only problem with it at this point is the fact that when she climbs up there, it feels like she’s going to break my knees.

Next I shall attempt to overcome my terror of heights. Or possibly fire. Or… yeah, yeah, I know. I’m a ball of phobias. Still, dogs are no longer immediate cause for panic attacks, and I call that pretty awesome.


  1. Oh, Twistie, I’m so glad you have worked past your dog phobia. Dogs are pretty much the greatest thing on the planet. I always feel sorry for people who are afraid of them because they’re missing out on so much joy. Kudos to you for working to overcome your fear!

    I’m glad your back is feeling better, as well.

    Comment by Cat — October 16, 2010 @ 3:04 pm

  2. @Cat: I’m still very much a cat person, but now I don’t panic when I see a perfectly well-behaved dog in the hands of someone caring for it responsibly. As for the back, oh man am I glad it’s better! I was going nuts ODing on Jane Austin movies and the complete Due South collection a VERY good friend gave me for my birthday. At least I had plenty of time to read Tim Gunn’s new book (Call me, Tim!) and a great bio of Clementine Paddleford.

    Comment by Twistie — October 16, 2010 @ 5:10 pm

  3. Not surprisingly – I am another dog lover! Congratulations on overcoming this fear – phobias are irrational – it takes a really strong person to be able to tackle one on your own.

    Comment by g-dog — October 16, 2010 @ 5:11 pm

  4. Good for you, getting over your Phobia! Virtual pat on the back

    Comment by Klee — October 17, 2010 @ 10:24 am

  5. Say!
    I used to have the very same phobia. From childhood up until the day I took a dog for a walk. One of the most hilarious moments of my life….scary at first, and then she took me all around to her favorite haunts. Wendy’s! We sat and shared a treat and walked back to her home. Such a life changer! She had the same vibrance for life that I had. Then a few months later, I adopted the most loco, vicious, spirited, loving street dog ever. He taught me some serious skills. Over the years I worked with the SPCA and even with guard dogs. Good for us…and good luck with your injury. It will get better! I promise! After plenty of strengthening, I can walk and sit comfortably again. Say, are we sisters?

    Comment by Lizzie — October 20, 2010 @ 11:58 pm

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