Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

April 24, 2011

Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Dang Big Digit Edition: The Result

Filed under: Twistie's Sunday Caption Madness — Twistie @ 11:49 am

Oh my dearie darlings.

Last week I inspired your nightmares with this deathless image:

and you responded with a plethora of captions giving the finger to this thumb.

They were all good (though I have to admit I didn’t get The Gold Digger’s caption; is it something about sports?), but in the end there can be but one winner. Plumcake can rest easy because it’s the always awesome Jacquilynne for this short but pith-infused question:

Well, sure, it’s big. But is it opposable?

Congratulations, Jacquilynne, and thanks to everyone who played.


  1. Woo hoo! I win!

    Comment by Jacquilynne — April 24, 2011 @ 11:22 pm

  2. You certainly do!

    Comment by Twistie — April 24, 2011 @ 11:45 pm

  3. Twistie, I guess you’re not a Texan!

    Comment by The gold digger — April 25, 2011 @ 2:11 pm

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