Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

October 13, 2011

On The Road Again

Filed under: Uncategorized — Miss Plumcake @ 12:10 pm

Hey gang, I’ll be a little scarce around these parts for a few days as I’ve got to drive across this great nation of ours a couple times and I promised the nice officer I wouldn’t type while driving anymore. So to tide you over, here are a handful of some of my favorite blogs, guaranteed to delight, amaze and occasionally titillate.

Kickette. Possibly the greatest website in the world and frankly I don’t know how I’m NOT working for them. Two-time WAG with a love of gin and the beautiful game? Call me! I’ll let you borrow the Birkin!

The Royal Order of Sartorial Splendor. Fantastic informational and entertaining site on all things regal. Fashion-wise the blogger’s taste is all in her mouth, but aside from that, the content is brilliant and I WISH I was as dedicated to y’all (although I totally am) as she is to her blog.

Night is Half Gone. Occasionally NSFW thoughts and musings from Jason, living in “post-diluvian New Orleans”. His conversations with his mother are fantastic, and not just because she’s now my personal Old Lady Role Model.

Centuries of Advice and Advertisements. A tumblr feed that does what it says on the tin. I love it.

Doing Hard Time in Shaker Heights. Also occasionally NSFveryconservativeW. Alternately sweet, salty and –when the men are involved, sweaty– blog from the famous Cool Cookie. Don’t you want to know about the Cruel Filipina Dominatrix trying to sell her house? Of course you do!

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