This is what I look like about now. Except I don’t have the nifty grass green polka dot bedding. I’m making those around me suffer with my cold. I’m a ball of snot and just a soupcon of phlegm, my brain is entirely fried, and my fingers feel like I’m trying to type with kielbasas taped to them.
At times like this, I like to build pretty castles of niceness in the air. You know, dream a pipe dream or two that makes me feel kind of wistfully pleasant and forget the hideous, bed-hair monstrosity of my current reality.
So what am I dreaming of right now? My ultimate kitchen. And what does that look like?
That’s right, it stepped right out of Yellow submarine. Glossy white walls, every cupboard door painted a different color, many decorated with characters and images from the film, and contrasting knobs. On the side of the room with the sink and the stove, I want the countertop to be a prism of bright-colored tiles. At the back, I’d like an entire countertop of marble for pastry work. Oh yeah, I’d have enough room and enough marble to do a proper strudel! Bring it on!
The floor would be blue, with one spot that’s green, for the Sea of Green you have to go through to get to Pepperland. Oh, and close to the ceiling, there would be a plate rail with characters from the film doing their best Killroy impressions. Mr. Twistie came up with that, and I adore him for it.
So that’s my dream. My perfect kitchen.
I’m sure all of you out there have a dream, whether it be of a kitchen, a perfect winter coat, the lipstick you long for, or the job that would bring you ultimate fulfillment. So what’s your dream?
I’d love to hear all about it.
Feel Better- whatever the crud is that is going around is not fun- love your idea for an awesome kitchen- not my cup of tea (except for the part about enough room to do a proper strudel,) however, it would be a fun kitchen to visit!
Comment by Kimks — December 11, 2011 @ 9:48 am
Thanks, Kimks. This is definitely a non-fun crud. Still, I seem to have entered the bit where it starts getting better.
I completely get that my dream kitchen isn’t for everyone on a day-to-day basis, but you would totally be welcome to come visit it anytime you feel up to dealing with all the Blue Meanies.
Comment by Twistie — December 11, 2011 @ 12:34 pm
Mine is a little more staid. :D
We live in a 75 year old farm house and the cabinets were site-built so ain’t no way I’m getting rid of them. They’re solid as a rock and mouse-proof. I am going to paint them – probably a glossy creme color. There is a kitchen shop in town that can take the doors and put some glass in them (like here in the Waterglass pattern near the bottom).
Also on the list, subway tile for a backsplash, new counters, and taking the lath/plaster off the chimney to expose the brick. Possibly new linoleum (the real stuff) to replace the current mystery flooring we have (linoleum squares? proto-vinyl? who knows).
It goes without saying we need to peel wallpaper, repaint the walls and put up a couple new light fixtures.
Comment by MrsBug — December 12, 2011 @ 10:19 am