Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Miss Plumcake @ 2:16 pm

What is UP party people?! Greetings from Villa Plumcake. Last week I bid a fond farewell to Chateau Gateau in Austin and am now a full time resident of Mexico. I would like to say I got my keyboard fixed, but that would be a damnable lie. What actually happened was I purchased a little usb keyboard that plugs right into Lappy 6000’s USB port. That’s great, except I didn’t really think the whole “buying a keyboard in another country” thing through, so I’ve got all sorts of weird symbols and heiroglyphs and nothing is even IN English, which of course made me scream when I plugged it in a second ago and then immediately feel like the Ugly American who, when misunderstood at a foreign restaurant orders in English LOUDER.

The upshot is yours truly will be back to regularly scheduled blogging effective today.


So what did you all do for New Year’s Eve?

For the first time in recorded mammaries, I was dead asleep to the world.

See, I’d been driving a long, LONG while hauling a heavy, HEAVY trailer from Austin to Houston and then to San Diego. I used to think if my life of glamor and intrigue didn’t work out, I’d be a long haul trucker. I like driving. I like beef jerky. I mean what else is there? I have since been disabused of that notion in a big way.

I won’t say it wasn’t ALL drudgery. I got to offroad in West Texas a little, and the 6×12 UHaul trailer did remarkably well. I also got to sleep in the back of my new and unendurably awesome FJ Cruiser, nestled between my dog, a 100 pound carved snail and an enormous stuffed tiger, using my lynx coat as a blanket. I felt like Dr Doolittle and smelled like…well, I’m going to be honest, I’m pretty sure my dog, if not Jesus himself, wept.

By the time I got to San Diego and had all my worldly possessions cubbied away into a little storage cave (“You have a lot of shoes, ma’am.”) and crossed the border I wanted nothing more than to walk through a carwash in my underwear and settle down for a long winter’s nap.

Hot Latin Boy informed me in the morning that he kissed me at midnight but I was in the arms of sweet lady slumber for all of that day, the next and most of yesterday (I did manage to send out my laundry and I’m pretty sure it’s back now. Either that or I just gave one very lucky lady a heck of a new wardrobe).

So that’s where I am. So what about you?



  1. Arrrrgh! The non-American keyboard. The Brit in my bed once exchanged my US keyboard for his and then changed my spell checker to UK English just to amuse himself for an hour or two.

    It was NOT pretty.

    We’ll miss you in Austin but look forward to the new adventures

    Comment by Thea — January 3, 2012 @ 3:14 pm

  2. I am sure Austin will be dull w/o you adding your bit to glam up the place. I’m also sure your new adventure will be grand and glorious. :-)

    Comment by txbunny — January 3, 2012 @ 5:47 pm

  3. Have you considered starting a blog about your life as an expat in Mexico? I’d love to read your experiences.

    Comment by MrsBug — January 4, 2012 @ 11:52 am

  4. My New Years was spent filling up on caviar (and honestly, if the people at Costco are going to be that weird about how much it costs, then they just shouldn’t sell it), creme fraiche and pseudo-blinis (like the real thing, but no yeast because that’s too much work), washed down with far too much champagne while sitting on the couch and watching TV with my fiance. I’d call it one of my best so far.

    Comment by daisyj — January 4, 2012 @ 2:33 pm

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