Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

January 7, 2012

Isn’t It Lovely When Dreams Come True?

Filed under: Books,Food,Media — Twistie @ 12:22 pm

Every twice in a while dreams really do come true.

Remember way back in November when I wrote up a Christmas wish list? If not, I’ll give you a minute to go back and take another look. It’s okay. I’ll be right here.

Got it? Good.

Four of the five things on that list are still not within my grasp, but they will be one day. One of them, though…

Yes, Mr. Twistie got the hint and gave me the entire series of Pushing Daisies on Blu Ray!

Soooo… I guess the party’s at Casa Twistie, all you fellow Pushing Daisies fans!

Of course, between one thing and another it took us until yesterday to actually set up the Blu Ray player we bought three months ago (don’t ask). But yesterday at long last I was able once again to follow the adventures of the Pie Maker and the Girl Called Chuck.

What could possibly make me happier?

Well, there is one thing. I may not have gotten that Jacques Pepin megatome I wanted, but I did get another amazing cookbook I wanted for Christmas:

All About Roasting by Molly Stevens is an in-depth look at the art of roasting as well as a fabulous compendium of tasty recipes to test out your new skills. I’m  learning lots of new exciting things about roasting food, which delights me. But even if you don’t sit down and read about the whys and wherefores, the recipes are so delicious the book would still be well worth the list price of $35.00. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that you can get it right now at for a mere $23.09.

Trust me, the recipe for the roasted fennel, red onion, and orange salad is worth the price of admission alone! How do I know? I made it last night for dinner. Mr. Twistie was a little unsure about eating roasted orange peel at first, but once he tasted it he yummed it up.

I can’t wait to try out more recipes!

So yesterday was a wonderful day. I got to try out my two favorite Christmas presents, and they both made me tremendously happy.

What does all this mean?

Clearly it means the party is at Casa Twistie!

What’s making you feel like the party’s at your place today?


  1. Party at Casa Twistie…with Pushing Daisies AND roasted vittles?! Yup, count me in. I’ll bring the wine and dessert. :)

    Comment by joods — January 7, 2012 @ 9:10 pm

  2. Well, I’m also baking a yummy pie… but there can never be too much dessert to choose from! Come on over, joods!

    Comment by Twistie — January 7, 2012 @ 10:35 pm

  3. I got messaged by a creep on a dating site tonight, and instead of ignoring it or meekly sending a conciliatory, make-it-my-fault email, I responded with an explanation of exactly why the message was offensive (he ignored my stated preferences totally, sent me his home phone number{!} and demanded I call him, a stranger, lest this gem of a fish swim back into the sea), called him out on treating women like they exist for his pleasure (he was going to let me service me–how generous) and ended by saying that, no, I am not a bitch for telling him this.

    I have to say, a year ago I would never have had the courage to assert myself. I give the people here at MFTBG, and some other blogs, a ton of the credit.

    So party’s at my house, but only because y’all ladies showed me how to make You-Deserve-Better pie.

    Comment by Madea — January 8, 2012 @ 12:40 am

  4. Go you, Madea! That’s awesome! Have a nice big slice of You-Deserve-Better-Pie and read me in the morning.

    Comment by Twistie — January 8, 2012 @ 4:10 am

  5. The Nanny State is at it again.

    Comment by annie — January 8, 2012 @ 12:23 pm

  6. Annie, I just took that on in the next entry.

    Comment by Twistie — January 8, 2012 @ 1:51 pm

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