Manolo for the Big Girl Fashion, Lifestyle, and Humor for the Plus Sized Woman.

April 29, 2012

Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The ASPCA’s Nightmare Edition

Filed under: Twistie's Sunday Caption Madness — Twistie @ 11:28 am

Hello everybody!

It’s time once again to play Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness!

You all know how this works. I find a photo that’s sitting up and begging for a good caption or, you know, a whole bunch of them. You provide said captions via the comments function. Next week I declare a winner and there is much rejoicing, yea.

This week’s image comes to you from the perils of parenting file and it looks a little like this:

Ready… set… snark!


  1. (1) Mr. and Mrs. Terrier wondered whether they shouldn’t have waited until Bowzer was a little older before bringing a pet human into the house.

    (2) The Torquemadas proudly chronicled Little Tommy’s invention of the Jolly Jumper torture system.

    Comment by Desideria — April 30, 2012 @ 1:02 am

  2. Surprizingly enough that looks like one of my dogs, Shayla, the obnoxious schnoodle, but I digress…
    “I think this works better than that bark collar he designed last time, don’t you, daddy??”

    Comment by Kathleen O'Brien — April 30, 2012 @ 3:48 am

  3. While little Bobby made it through the spider’s web without harm, Spot wasn’t quite so lucky.

    Comment by oliviacw — April 30, 2012 @ 5:07 pm

  4. And behind door number three we have what happens when mommy runs out of gin.

    Comment by Rebekka — May 1, 2012 @ 10:06 am

  5. Just moments after leaving baby Harry in his jumper, with the dog happily looking on, Mr. and Mrs. Houdini realized this was no ordinary kid.

    Comment by Torapines — May 2, 2012 @ 3:58 pm

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