First I have to bring to your attention the wonderful game going on over at Fat Heffalump, where the ever-delightful Sleepy Dumpling invites us to tell her our superhero identities as agents of O.B.E.S.I.T.Y. Sometimes you have to take ridiculous, infuriating concepts and turn them on their heads. Well, Sleepy Dumpling is a past master at that. She is, indeed, The Incredible Bulk, and we love her for it.
Over at Dances With Fat, Ragen answers the burning question ‘Are We Doing Enough About Obesity?’ The short answer:
You have done enough; more than enough even. It’s time for you to go look for your beeswax at your own home and in your own mirror.
Amen to that!
The fabulous Meowser at Fat Fu has an excellent article on why Mayor Bloomberg’s Big Soda ban matters even to fat people who don’t drink soda. As a California fattie who drinks maybe a couple dozen small sodas in an average year, it’s been hard sometimes to explain what I found so infuriating about that idea. Meowser did it for me beautifully.
Fatties United ran an article just today that illustrates perfectly not only why we shouldn’t go to television doctors for too much of our health information, but also why so many people who do get their information that way firmly believe that too many fatties are driving up their health costs more than, say, Big Pharma or insurance company investor dividends.
Happy reading, folks!
Twistie, your last link goes back to the Fat Fu article rather than to the Fatties United one.
Comment by Cat — June 10, 2012 @ 4:50 pm
The Agent of O.B.E.S.I.T.Y. thread on Twitter is completely hilarious.
Comment by Jezebella — June 12, 2012 @ 12:42 am